Donovan exhaled. “Sarah, I… I don’t know what to say. If I’d understood, things would’ve been different.” He blinked, as if truly seeing her for the first time. A moment later, he stood taller. “I don’t know how to make it up to you, but I’ll start with I’m sorry. I can also give you the benefit of the doubt now. If Cole believes you were framed, I’ll help you clear your name.”

Sarah’s smile was so slight, a blink would’ve missed it, yet its brevity belied its grave importance. She deserved the world to know the truth about her. But as much as Sarah warranted a lifetime of apologies, now they needed to focus on the case. He put a hand on her arm. “Donovan didn’t do it either.”

Sarah opened her mouth, closed it. Her shoulders drooped. “I guess I owe you an apology as well. You’re obviously not guilty. It just made so much sense. Getting me off the force for a promotion was the only motive I could come up with, and you fit the description perfectly. But if you wouldn’t cover for a criminal, obviously you wouldn’t commit the crime yourself.”

Donovan started. “What did you say?”

“I said anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable covering for a criminal wouldn’t be one himself.”

Donovan paused, turned to Cole. “What is she talking about?”

“What I just mentioned,” Cole replied. “That time in high school when we covered for the guy slashing tires.”

Donovan hesitated again, cocked his head to the side. “Do you think there’s any chance?”

“Any chance of–” Cole stopped. He opened his mouth, stopped again. “Wait. You don’t think–”

“Actually, I do think,” Donovan growled. “Don’t you?”

The theory played and replayed in his mind, the puzzle pieces twisting and turning and joining. And then finally, the perfect picture formed, the obvious answer.

“What is it?” Sarah broke in. “Don’t think what?”

“I don’t believe it.” Fury rose, at himself, but most of all, at the culprit who should have been obvious from the beginning. He set his jaw and turned to Sarah. “I know who did it.”


Cole Carter’s Review

Sarah Sloan:A thousand stars

Beautiful, kind and caring, beyond any I could ever imagine. Possesses the spirit of a warrior, a sage’s intelligence and a heart of pure gold. She embodies kindness and giving, strength and love. Now that I’ve found her again, I will never let her go.

“Scott did it.”




No, it couldn’t be. Not kind, caring Scott, the deputy who took her side, who took everyone’s side. It defied all logic. Yet Cole spoke definitively, without the slightest doubt. Perhaps it was a joke, although an entirely illogical time and place for one. Because what else could it be? “I don’t believe it.”

“Well, I do.” Donovan’s voice had hardened to pure steel. “He fooled us before, and he did it again. He was always the nice one, always acting perfect. When we caught him puncturing thetires, he promised it was a onetime thing, but he never seemed genuine. He was just sorry he’d been caught. There were so many other red flags – how he’d somehow get an answer key before a test or suddenly have extra cash. Of course, it’s the perfect foil. No one would suspect the nicest guy on the force to be a criminal.”

“I knew that man at the Renaissance fair seemed familiar, and now I’m sure.” Cole fisted his hands. “It was Scott. How did I miss it?”

Donovan paced, his boots pounding the hard floor. “He always mentioned little things about Sarah to get me upset. He would bring up an incident from the past, something he knew would get me riled up. He also talked about becoming sheriff one day. The day of the fire, he’s the one who saw something shining in that field. He led me right to the earring.”

“He made sure you would find it,” Cole agreed, “so no one would suspect him.”

“We would all suspect her, especially me.” Donovan gave a deep grimace. “You really are innocent.”

A strange relief released the grip on her lungs. Why should she care if Donovan believed her? But she did, incredibly so. She cared what he thought, whateveryonethought. She was upset when Cole first revealed the truth to her supposed enemy, but it had been the right decision.It mattered.“Thank you for believing in me.”

Donovan shook his head. “It’s far too late.”

She reached out and touched his arm. “It’s never too late. The past is over, and now we have a chance to fix the future. I’ve had to believe that to overcome all I’ve faced.” She inhaled a deep breath ofhope. “What should we do now? Even if Scott is guilty, we don’t have any proof, and tomorrow they’re going to take my badge.”