Oh, the ladydidwish. And then she watched…

As he unbuckled his pants.

As he lowered them.

As he revealedeverything.

Her breathing quickened, her pulse raced, at the epitome of masculinity. He wielded his power like a sword, the ruler of his world. Yet as she took in all of him, her breath hitched. The proof of his masculinity was as large and powerful as the rest of him.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Even now, with his desire so clear, he proved his character as strong as a true knight. “I want you to be sure.”

“I can’t imagine anything else,” she answered honestly. She could no more deny him than she could herself.

He didn’t ask again. When he reached for her, there was no turning back, no second thoughts. She pushed into him, reveling in his hold and possession. At least for this moment, she belonged to him, and he, her.

The kisses came frantically now, desperately, yet they still weren’t enough. He explored with his hands, his body, hismouth, touching and testing and tasting. The world became a haze as Cole became her world, and she could think of nothing except getting closer to him.

Then suddenly she was lifted up, up, up into arms that carried her as if she were weightless. Seconds later, she descended onto the cloudlike softness of her plush mattress. His hands were everywhere – soothing her stomach, encircling her back, touching her breasts. She gasped at every sensation, then arched her back as he kissed a nipple. Boldly, she touched him, massaging muscles harder than steel, kneading smooth skin corded with strength.

He pulled back, momentarily leaving her to grasp something from his discarded clothing, yet he was soon back with the protection that would safeguard them both. His eyes darkened to the color of the midnight sea. “You are mine.”

It was a statement of possession, a hunter informing his prey she’d been caught. It made her even more frenzied, brought new sensation to tender areas. He entered her in one swift motion, stretching her gloriously, fitting to perfection. The world tilted as he brought her to greater and greater heights, and just when she could take no more, she shattered, screaming as he roared her name. Together they soared, waves of ecstasy thundering through her, forming a connection she’d never before had, an incredible joining of two becoming one. She clung to him as he grasped her, in a place she truly belonged.

Seconds passed. A minute and then more, and yet she just lay there, spent and content in Cole’s arms. There was nowhere she’d rather be, nowhere that was truly home as much as this man. And at that moment, utter clarity came to her. A truth she had known for so very long:

She was in love with Cole Carter.

She hadn’t fallen in love with him because she’d made love to him. No, she’d made love to himbecauseshe was in lovewith him. It had been true for a long time, forever perhaps, from their playful childhood, through their turbulent teens, during the decade-long absence. In some ways they were mirrors of each other, in others, sheer opposites, and yet they were the perfect match. She was in love with this man, this hero, who now claimed her. Now…

What was she going to do about it?


Cole Carter’s Review

Making Love to Sarah Sloan:Unfathomable Stars

She is the sun. The stars and the moon, too, and every astrological wonder in the endless sky. I soared to those, yet it was beyond the physical, beyond satiating instinct’s demands. I came to the place I truly belonged.

I will not let it – or her – escape.

The world was a dystopian hellscape.

The troops. The weapons. The danger.Jared.

And yet, something was different. For the first time, reality altered, memories blurred. There was someone else on that field, someone who didn’t belong there.

“Sarah?” Cole whispered, then shouted, to the form in the distance, the form too far ahead. Why was she there? How?

But she was there. Because from the distance, he heard a very soft, “Cole.”

“Sarah!” He started running. He knew what was coming, what always came. He needed to get to her before it happened. He couldn’t let her get caught in the firestorm. Then…

The world exploded.

“Sarah!” he shouted again. He desperately searched through the haze of smoke, the bodies of his fallen comrades,Jared. “Sarah!”

“Cole. Cole. Cole.”