Sarah straightened her crown of roses. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. You’re the guests of honor.” The host smiled brightly. “If you’re ready, come with me.”

Sarah and Cole followed the host through a winding path decorated to look like the halls of a grand castle, complete with flaming torches and silver suits of armor. Spice and smoke scented the air, mixed with incense and oil. “Hopefully we’re not headed to the dungeon,” she whispered as they padded down the narrow corridors. “I didn’t bring my regulation sword.”

“Don’t worry. As your resident knight, I’ll slay any dragons.”

“As long as you read them their Miranda Rights first.”

“Of course. We wouldn’t want their case dismissed on a triviality and have them set everything ablaze. Fire breathing is definitely a felony.”

They both laughed.

The host opened a large wooden door to reveal a world that was anything but a dungeon. Ladies, knights and horses roamed a center area that was decorated like a throne room, bejeweled and bedazzled under hundreds of flickering candles. Billowing curtains waterfalled from the ceiling, adorned with magenta roses and golden and silver ribbons. Long, wide tables provided stadium seating, surrounding the stage on three sides. Sarah and Cole followed the host to the first row.

“Wow.” Sarah sank into the plush velvet folds of a throne chair. It sounded her on all sides, like one of those plush mattresses made of twelve layers of cushioning. True royalty had never been so spoiled.

“Impressive.” Cole took his own seat, identical to hers. “Are you happy we stayed?”

“Not even a little.” She endeavored a straight face, managed only a smile. Not only was she pleased, but she was very much looking forward to the show.And the company.

The meal commenced, heralded by hot crusty bread slathered in rich honey butter and huge wheels of fresh cheeses. A hearty tomato bisque soup warmed her stomach as delicious goblets of wine appeared and then reappeared before her. A pleasant lightness entered her mind as the courses came – fresh, crisp salads with colorful greens and plump tomatoes, thick stews with hearty vegetables and beans, homestyle mashed potatoes covered in gravy. During the meal, knights stormed the center stage, slaying rogues and saving damsels in distress. Between takes, they conversed and joked and laughed.

After the main course, the players emerged onto the stage. “Welcome to a land ruled by royalty and decided by the sword. Are you having a good time?” Sir Lancelot asked to wild applause. “Now it’s your turn. Who would like to be a knight or lady of the realm?”

Multiple hands shot up. Cole raised his, and since they were currently holding hands, he lifted hers as well. Sarah pushed down to no avail. “You do it, and I’ll arrest you.”

He laughed but finally lowered his hand.“What crime could you possibly accuse me of now?”

“Cruel and unusual punishment.”

He laughed again. Of course, she should steal her hand back. Of course, she grasped his tighter instead.

The announcer called up several dozen willing participants. “These lovely ladies and brave gentlemen will be our citizens, but we still need our villain. He has to be dastardly, devious and dashing.”

Sarah blinked at Cole. “Come to think of it, they found the perfect role for you.”

“If I’m the villain, does it mean I get to do whatever I want?” He squeezed her hand. “Because I have some thoughts.”

Oh my.Thoughts of his thoughts turned into her thoughts, none of them suitable for a family show. She cleared her throat. “You’re planning on arresting me again, aren’t you?”

“Not even close,” he murmured. “What I have in mind has nothing to do with law and order.”

Her mouth turned to sandpaper. Thoughts turned to desires, at all the things Cole could do to her, all the things shewantedhim to do to her. She took another sip – gulp – of wine.

“And here we have our villain.” The host selected a man from the crowd, fittingly large and good-looking in a devious sort of way. “That only leaves our hero and heroine, the ultimate damsel in distress and the knight pledged to rescue her.” Hands shot up, but he waved them away. “Actually, these two characters are already chosen. Everyone please welcome our two special guests for the evening, Lady Sarah and Sir Cole.”

It was happening again.

Sarah rubbed her forehead, at the headache that suddenly bloomed. Cole stood and waved to the crowd, but when he turned to her, his smile faded, and he whispered something to the host. The showrunner nodded, then motioned for her to remain sitting while Cole joined the participants on stage.

Sarah sank back down. What just happened? Had the man who never listened actually gone out of his way to appease her? The reprieve was as unexpected as the man who gifted it, in a thousand ways.

Who was he?

Different than she remembered. Far more than she realized. Beyond the hero he played.

The announcer chose another woman for the heroine – a gorgeous willowy blonde that was the antithesis of her, at least physically. Then the show started, a timeless tale of a hero saving his lady from the clutches of an evil villain. Cole looked every bit the hero as he commanded the stage, daring any who challenged him. As he acted the part of champion, epiphanies sliced through Sarah like the edge of a sword: