Yet clever friends made keeping secrets a challenge, as Zoe leaned closer. “I see through you, too. You’re lying when you say Cole Carter doesn’t affect you.”
Do not pale. Do not betray the truth. Do not admit that Cole Carter rubs you like nails on a chalkboard.“That’s not even a little true.”Because it was a lot true.
“Then why do you turn pink every time I mention his name?”
“I do not–” The sound of confident footsteps silenced her denial. And, of course, her skin heated like a firecracker, turning the color of bubblegum. She resisted the urge to stick out her tongue as her friend’s eyes flashed in triumph.
You could always tell when Cole Carter entered a room. The atmosphere changed, the people halted andeveryonetook notice. The men smiled in comradely good will, and the women grinned like schoolgirls. Most of them remembered Cole from high school, where he’d been captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams – of course – because simply being the best-looking and most popular boy in school wasn’t enough. The women definitely remembered him, as eyes glazed over and eyelashes fluttered. Whether they realized it or not, they stood up straighter, puffed out chests, smiled rays of sunshine. Sarah squelched annoyance that rose like a reborn phoenix.
“Hey everyone,” he rumbled in his deep baritone. “I see some familiar faces out there.”
“Hey, buddy.” Donovan Evans, one of the male deputies and Cole’s former high school football teammate, clapped him on the back, while the other, Scott Easton, also a football team alum, profusely shook his hand. “Great to see you again.”
Next the two female deputies took their turns, trading handshakes and claps for hugs and pecks on the cheek. “It wonderful to have you back,” Zoe gushed.
“So great,” Annie agreed with a wide grin.
Sarah stood straight as a regulation baton, frustrated by her own frustration. Of course, any member of the military deserved a warm welcome, and he was a hometown hero. Plus, she was being paranoid. She was sheriff; he couldn’t suddenly take over, no matter how much he wanted to.
“Thank you for giving Deputy Carter a nice welcome.” She tried to smile, probably looked like she had eaten two-week old tuna fish instead. “We should let Cole get started on his work. He has a lot of catching up to do, and most of your shifts are about to begin.”
That received good natured smiles and no less than three invitations for after work get-togethers. She brushed by Cole, and heat streaked through her body, turning her blood sizzling. Cole stilled, his nostrils flaring, betraying she wasn’t the only one affected.
Then… he reached for her.
It was a whisper of a touch, no more than any man would do for a woman he’d known his entire life, yet it seemed as intimate as newfound lovers. Heat burned into her as he traced her with tantalizing softness, fluttering sensation everywhere. A moment passed, and the softness turned harder, firmer,possessiveas he splayed his hand on her back. Then he moved forward,leadingher into her office.
The office was sparse, with basic wood furniture and a few photographs lining the walls, pictures with friends, not family. She moved quicker now, escaping his touch but not his presence as she sank into her squeaky pleather seat and gestured for him to sit across from her. The cracked fabric immediately plastered to her, as she folded her hands across her lap. She met his gaze. “Everyone seems happy to see you.”
“Everyone?” He leaned forward, cutting the space between them. “I’m not sure about that.”
Neither was she, yet it wasn’t exactly dissatisfaction that tightened her lips into a thin slash. Not even apathy. More like the opposite of unhappiness, and awareness that was the most disconcerting of all. “Of course, I’m glad you’re here.” She straightened an already straight pile on her desk. Cleared her throat and looked back up. “Attempting to arrest me made quite an impression.”
His mouth slowly tugged up, its widening curve showing no regret. “You tried to arrest me as well, if I recall, with slightly less success.”
She clenched her fists, somehow managed not to reach for her handcuffs. Could she convince a judge Cole deserved to be arrested for how he’d captured her, held her against his body and her will? “Why don’t we just call it a misunderstanding and move on? I don’t want you distracting my officers.”
“I walked in two minutes ago, and already I’m distracting your officers?” He folded his arms across his chest, making his muscles bulge. Which distracted her.A lot.
His ever-widening smile proved he knew it. “I doubt I’ve done much damage.” He leaned even closer. “Do I distract you, Sarah?”
“Of course not.” She bristled. “How many times is someone going to ask me that?”
Well, crap.
She closed her eyes, opened them to a smug grin.He hadn’t missed the unforced error.
“Someone asked if I distracted you?” He lobbed pure amusement. “I heard someone yell just before I entered the building. That didn’t have anything to do with me, did it?”
“Absolutely not,” she lied. “I was just talking about the village idiot.”
If she thought to upset him, she’d misjudged. Instead, he chuckled. And those unruly muscles – yeah, they flexed again.
She pressed forward, “How about we get to work? The night deputy said he covered the basics with you yesterday, so let’s get straight to the current cases. Here’s the info on the latest one. I finished the paperwork just before you came in.”
He didn’t question the sudden change in subject as he took the proffered manila folder and opened it. As he read, the sides of his lips started to twitch. He finished, looked at her, back at the papers, then back at her. He sat silently for a minute, but seemed to be fighting… laughter?
She frowned. “What is it?”