“No, you wouldn’t. Half of Harmony Creek has probably already heard about this performance. You wouldn’t want something to add to it.”

True, true and true, and she knew it. “Then what am I supposed to do?” she snapped. “Kiss you?”

His smile was just on the wrong side of wicked.

“Well, folks, there seems to be a little problem.” The announcer came up from behind them. “Our uncouple, who may or may not have technically kissed, one of whom is a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater, are having a little disagreement over who to kiss. Do we have any volunteers?”

The reaction was strong, vivacious andimmediate. Several dozen men raised their hands, giving shouts of “Pick me!” and more colorful offers that made Cole want to do a mass arrest. Calling the National Guard would not be inappropriate.

The announcer only laughed. “Remember, we’re a family friendly show, so no need for a passionate embrace. A peck on the cheek is just fine.”

Sarah’s eyes flashed in anger. Weren’t there enough men for her? Only when she spoke, she was not interested in her prospects, but in his. “Clearly there are lots of ladies ready for action.”

He followed her gaze to a group of women dressed in rather scandalous costumes trying to entice him with sultry poses. Ifthey flashed any more cleavage, they were going to scandalize the family-friendly show.

“I have a solution to this problem,” the pirate boomed. “Who thinks they should kiss each other?”

Amidst a few groans of disappointment, the crowd applauded, giving Cole a smile as broad as a pirate’s sword. Sarah probably thought he’d bribed the announcer, but it was just a lucky coincidence. “That sounds reasonable.”

“Reasonable?” Sarah put her hands on her hips. “You want reasonable, I’ll give you–”

“She’s just a little shy.” Cole moved closer to his prize. “Or maybe a little scared. Which is it?”

She glared yet didn’t back down. Her stubbornness gave him the undeniable advantage.

“As an added bonus, this will solve the confusion over whether they’ve technically kissed,” the announcer quipped. “Although not whether he’s a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater.”

Sarah’s thunderous look made her opinion quite clear. Yet she hesitated only a moment before grumbling, “Fine!” She marched to him and grabbed his shirt. A surge of desire electrified taut muscles, but somehow he stopped himself from stealing control too soon. Then she lifted herself up and matched her lips to his in a fantastic display of feminine power.

The announcer disappeared. The audience disappeared. The world disappeared.

Cole grasped his beautiful queen, bringing her closer with a kiss that was no performance. Desire, attraction and possession tangled, as they parried back and forth in a test of will and strength. He fought for control, for the sweet little moans indicated Sarah no longer was.

“Hey guys, I think that’s good.”

Cole ignored the pirate in the background.

“You clearly fulfilled the dare.”

Just a little longer.

“Guys, should we get you a tent?”

It took all his strength to finally pull back, and yet what they started was not finished, not even close. The crowd and game no longer mattered, not compared to the passion burning in Sarah’s eyes.

“I don’t know about you guys, but that was definitely a kiss, technically and otherwise,” the pirate boomed. “Let’s hear it for our brave contestants. Now as a prize, you guys win a–”


Cole hid a smile at Sarah’s outburst. No doubt she was still scarred from their prizes of the massage and trip to the fair. However, in this case, there was little to fear. “It’s just a flower.” The beaming pirate produced a shiny, gleaming rose bud made of brass.

As Sarah’s cheeks pinkened, Cole took the offering. “It’s a phobia.” He winked. “Some people hate snakes, others spiders, but for her, it’s prizes.”

Before she could say another word, he took her arm. He waved to the approving crowd as he led her off the stage, and they walked together down the aisle. She stared blankly ahead through the applause that followed them, not stopping until they left the parameters of the show. She wrenched her arm from his. “A phobia to prizes?” she demanded. “You made me sound unhinged.”

“Did you want to explain the whole story?”

She hesitated, breathed out. Glanced at the people still watching them.