The crowd roared in what was obviously a mass delusion. The only chemistry she had with Cole involved gasoline and fire. As to the question, however, the answer was yes. And then yes some more. And more yesses for good measure. Of course, she would’ve offered a strict, “No comment,” but Cole had no problem causally sharing, “More than once.”
The announcer grinned. Widely. “I’m thinking of a good dare later.”
Oh. No.They might not be in Harmony Creek, but they were close enough. If they actually kissed on stage… She shot forward. “Wait! Don’t I get a chance to answer?”
The host looked between the two of them. “I know you both get a say, but in this case, the answer should be pretty much the same. He said you’ve kissed. Do you disagree?”
All the sounds disappeared from the world. The crowd turned silent. Even the canon demonstration, which had been booming for the last half hour, stopped.
“Are you thinking about it?” The host chuckled. “I’m not a woman, but I’d say most ladies wouldn’t forget smooching this man.” The ladies in the audience responded with whistles, hoots and applause. “Have you kissed him?”
“Technically?” She was stalling, but not very well. Like really, really, really bad.
Cole folded his arms across his chest. “Is there a difference between technically kissing and not kissing?”
She was digging a chasm as wide as the Grand Canyon. “Well, maybe. Like it depends on who’s doing the kissing.”
His expression dared her to deny it. “Technically, we were both doing the kissing.”
Yeah, exactly.
There was only one thing left to do. “Can we move to the next question?”
She ignored the knowing smirks, the muffled laughter, the bemused looks. Somehow the pirate stayed serious as he answered, “Of course. Time is almost up, folks, so this is the last round of the show.”
Sarah sagged in relief. Cole seemed disappointed. “Truth or dare?” the pirate asked.
She would take no more chances. “Definitely dare.” As much as she didn’t relish another performance, accidentally revealing something too personal posed far greater danger. She’d already survived an impromptu singing performance, an all-too-personal poem and a discussion of their kissing. What could be worse?
“Since we’ve discussed kissing, why don’t we take it to the next level? I dare each of you to find someone and give them a good, old-fashioned Renaissance kiss.”
Well, damn.
Cole Carter’s Review
Sarah Sloan’s Kisses:1 billion stars
Something is wrong. Very, very wrong. Because when I kiss Sarah Sloan, it feels like I’ve come home. Not just to the town I grew up in, but something far deeper, an eternity more substantial. Kissing her is intoxicatingly potent, in a billion ways. I want a billion more, and beyond.
I want her.
Cole stood silently as Sarah tightened, still save for the pulsing heartbeat under her neck. She swept her gaze across the stands, as if searching for escape, yet there would be none. Even if she could technically refuse, the stubborn woman would never back down from a challenge. However…
No way in hell was she kissing another man.
He grasped her hand. “Don’t bother.” His voice was firm, challenging andpossessive. “You’re not kissing a random guy.”
Her eyes widened with defiance. She lifted her chin. “I’ll kiss whoever I want. I’m deciding who to choose.”
“Would you like to see what happens if you kiss another man?” He kept his voice deceptively calm, yet the thought made him want to use those military-honed skills. “I’ll pick you up and carry you off the stage.”
Her eyes narrowed to slivers. “You wouldn’t dare.”
He shrugged. “Who would stop me? The announcer? The crowd? They’d eat it up. In fact, they’d probably help me.”
She didn’t deny the obvious. “I’d arrest you for kidnapping!”