It was the wrong thing to say, and the wrong time to say it. He prowled closer, into her space and yet not close enough. She wanted to tell him to stop, but the words wouldn’t come. He moved a hairsbreadth away. “When I saw you standing there, covered in soot…” He reached out, touched her cheek. She let her lashes fall, savoring the feel of his touch. She couldn’t see him, but she could sense him, smell his woodsy scent, feel the heat emanating from his body. “I try so hard to protect you, but you make it impossible.”
Sarah forced her eyes open as warmth spread throughout her. “It’s not your job to keep me safe.”
He towered so high above her, huge compared to her petite frame. “Maybe I want it to be.”
Then somehow she was moving closer, and so was he.
And closer…
And closer…
Their lips brushed.
He was fire to her wick, a spark to dynamite, steel hardness to pure softness. She tried to murmur a protest, truly she did, but all logic fled as he plundered and pillaged, coaxing her with soft kisses. Sensual sensation seized every limb, streaking through her blood like lightning. She demanded and yielded, took and surrendered, in a fight for more. Illogical, nonsensical and unwise, yet she was powerless to stop it. The sensations were just too wonderful, too electric, too perfect. She needed them, needed more, neededhim.
With a growl of satisfaction, Cole deepened the kiss. He snaked his arms around her, pulling her against his heated form. Still, it wasn’t enough. How far would they go–
“Cole! Sarah!”
Sarah gasped, jerking back. Her foot caught on the curb, and suddenly she was falling, falling, falling… her destination the soot covered ground… until something grasped her, pulled her flush against a wall of steel she knew so well.
And that’s how they found them.
Annie. Andy. Johnny. A dozen more.
They stopped. They stared. Then, they smiled.
Sarah flung herself back, almost falling again, but just managed to stop herself. She breathed a thousand swear words at the rapt attention. How to convince their unwanted audience they hadn’t seen their lover’s embrace? “Everyone move back,”she boomed in her most commanding sheriff voice. “This is a crime scene.”
The people turned to the smoldering shed, which apparently had not been as interesting as what they first witnessed. Smiles turned to frowns, wry bemusement to stark concern. Hopefully, they would forget ever seeing her in Cole’s arms.
“What happened?” Annie cried.
“Are you okay?” Johnny whispered.
“Arson again?” Andy asked sternly.
Sarah nodded. “Someone decided to have more fun with pyrotechnics, but don’t worry, everything’s contained. It’s best for you to return to the restaurant, however. Even though the fire is out, it’s still hot, and we need to survey the scene.”
The people nodded solemnly, as they turned back to the restaurant. A flurry of hushed conversation followed them, as Annie walked over to her. “Are you sure you’re okay, honey? You seem a little flushed.”
“It’s just the heat.”From Cole.“I mean the fire.”From Cole’s touch.“It’s still smoldering.”His eyes, that is.She cleared her throat. “I’m fine. How did you know where to find us?”
“When Cole raced outside, we figured he’d gone to find you,” Annie answered. “We smelled the smoke and thought you might need help.”
Sarah smiled. The entire town had come to her rescue. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Ignoring the soot, Annie hugged her. “Both your meals are on us, by the way. It’s the least we can do to thank you for keeping our town safe.”
Sarah grimaced. Letting the perpetrator get away didn’t feel like a job well done. “I’m afraid I don’t have time for food right now. Wait, did you say both our meals?” She turned to Cole, who shrugged.
“I’ll bring them in a to-go box, and you can eat them when you get a moment,” Annie’s no-nonsense voice brooked no argument. At Sarah’s nod, she turned and followed the group back around the corner.
Cole leveled his gaze, his expression pensive and probing. Before he could tell her something that would make her 1. Arrest him 2. Kiss him or 3. Arrestandkiss him, she retrieved her cell phone and started to dial. Only he grabbed the phone before she could finish. “Hey! I need to call this in. We can’t investigate the scene until the equipment comes.”
“I already sent a text to give them a heads up. They’re on their way, but in the meantime, we need to talk about it.”