But of course, he ignored her and began inching his way through the log. Although it wasn’t narrow for her petite stature, he was far larger, and soon the walls brushed against his arms and legs. Fortunately, exercises like these were common in training, and despite his other issues, claustrophobia had never been a problem. He travelled as far as he could, barely making it to her feet. “I’m here.”
“You don’t sound very grateful.”
She growled. “You better not be looking at anything.”
He took another good look at her ass. “I’m not.”
She growled again. Then she wiggled.Whoa.
“There’s nothing you can do. My shirt is caught underneath me.”
“I’m going to reach in.”
“No! You can’t.” Her words echoed in the cylindrical tube. “It’s stuck in a… a sensitive place.”
His grin widened to the next town and back. Consolation prize indeed. “You’re going to have to let me try.”
“I do not,” she sniffed.
“So you’d rather be stuck here than take the chance I accidently touch you?” He waited for an answer, but none came. “Sarah?”
“I’m thinking about it.”
That was his spirited woman. Always independent, always strong. Yet like him, sometimes you just needed help. “Try to relax. I’ll make this as painless as possible.”
“Cole Carter, you stop right there,” she commanded, but he moved forward, since leaving her stuck wasn’t truly an option.But because he really was his father’s son and not a snake of the human variety, he avoided touching her, sliding his hand as close to the log as possible. Unfortunately, the snagged shirt held her down, and soon he had no choice. The back of his hand brushed again a full breast.
He heard her sharp intake of breath.
Felt his own.
“Just a minute.” With a few quick movements, he unhooked several sharp twigs snagging the shirt. He tried to pull her down, but the garment still resisted. The blouse was caught in multiple places, some beyond his reach. “Sarah, I have bad news.”
She breathed out. “Why can’t it be good news?”
Actually, from his point of view… “The shirt is going to have to come off.”
“Why you sneaky–”
“There’s no choice,” he continued easily.
“It’s caught in places I can’t reach.”
“Believe me, I’m disappointed, too.”
Well, maybe she had him there. Still, he wasn’t lying about it being the only way to free her that didn’t involve the fire department, a chainsaw and a whole lot of spectators. “I could call the event organizers…”
“No!” Sarah yelped. Seconds passed, but finally she sighed. “Are you sure that’s the only way?”