“Good try,” the judge announced. “But actually, it was forty-eight. That’s right,forty-eight.I may be mistaken, but it appeared as if you were trying to hit each other.”

“Really?” Cole put a hand on his chest in mock astonishment, drawing laughter from the crowd. Sarah remained glaring.


“That’s right,” the coach affirmed, “and because of it, you’ve more than earned our special award. We picked the perfect prize for the team that wasn’t quite attuned with each other. In the time before the next event, you and Sarah will have the pleasure of attending a couples’ massage class. Everyone give them a hand!”

As the crowd cheered, Cole smiled. But Sarah? She opened her mouth and said a single word. It was not pretty. It was not eloquent. In fact, in some places (pretty much everywhere) it would be considered inappropriate public language.

Cole just managed to restrain his laughter. He moved closer, spoke lowly so only she could hear. “Technically, I could arrest you for speaking like that in public.”

“Don’t even think about it,” she growled.

“Are you excited about your prize?” the beaming judge broke in. “As you know, Eric Simmons offers couples’ massage instruction, and he’s giving mini sessions all day. As the least coordinated couple in the balloon toss, you guys go first. But don’t worry, it’ll be strictly professional.”

“Thank you, but we’d–”

“Love to do it,” Cole broke in. “As public servants, we always support our local businesses.” He lifted his head at Sarah, daring her to contradict him.

Her scowl held a thousand messages. “Sounds great,” she gritted out in a voice as excited as a saber tooth tiger for a root canal.

“Perfect.” Coach Rivers clapped. “The tent is right over there. Afterwards, we’ll hold group sessions for anyone who wants to give it a try.”

Cole rubbed his hands together as they strode from the field. This was a great opportunity to spend time with Sarah, yet the coach was wrong about one thing. They were extremely attuned to each other, always had been, always would be. Right now, he could practically hear her thoughts of retribution.

Her lilac scent surrounded him as she walked past him. “Don’t get any ideas in there.” She sauntered off, her ass swaying provocatively.

Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.

“Please remove your clothing.”

Sarah blinked at Mr. Simmons, a jovial, thin man in his early thirties. They’d walked into the tent only moments ago, and the masseuse addressed them immediately. “I doubt you need help, but I can assist if you require.”

Just as she was about to respond, Cole spoke, his voice low and serious. “No one will be helping her out of anything.”

Mr. Simmons frowned. “I’m sorry, I meant no offence. I was actually talking to both of you. Some of my clients find it more comfortable to wear robes.” He pointed to two gowns, almost sheer for their thinness. They would hide things – somewhat.

“I’ll remove my shirt, but she’s good.”

Oh no, he didn’t.“I’m right here, deputy, and I can speak for myself. Didn’t we just talk about your overprotective behavior?”

“I didn’t mean to get anyone riled up,” Mr. Simmons stammered. They both ignored him.

Cole crossed his arms. “I didn’t realize you needed help undressing.”

“It’s a massage.” Sarah glared. “You don’t get to tell me who I can and cannot get undressed in front of. And you just said you were removing your shirt.”

“That’s different and you know it.”

“Listen, guys, why don’t we all keep our clothing on–”

“You’re the sheriff. What happens if someone needs you and you’re wearing nothing?”

“Then I’ll get dressed.” She lifted both hands. “I’m allowed to get a massage.”

“Guys, calm down. Let’s just get started–”

“If I want to take off my clothing, I will, and that’s final.” Sarah gave a firm nod.