Unfortunately, Cole responded before she could, “We did come together.”

Amy brightened, amidst gleeful conversation. A lot of someones were getting the wrong idea. “Actually, we didn’t,” Sarah quickly refuted.

A dozen eyes blinked at her.

She gave a nervous laugh. “I mean, we did come together, but it wasn’t like we came together, like together together.”That made zero sense.“Cole was giving me a lift because my car broke down and he was the only one available.”That made even lesssense in a town where dozens of people would help if asked.“So anyways, I’m sure someone else could use a partner. How about you, Amy?”Desperation-o-meter: 100% and rising.

People looked back and forth between them, smiling indulgently.Drat.If the small town decided something was between them, they would throw a bridal shower tomorrow, complete with streamers, bows and a ribbon bouquet. The next day – the wedding.

“I’m partnering with my brother.” Amy kept her smile. “Plus, we’re trying to keep the teams co-ed.”

“How about Phil?” She waved to one of her neighbors. “Hey, Phil, want to join me at the event?”

Phil turned… and sheepishly showed her the cast on his foot. “Fell down the stairs.”

“Oh, I hope you feel better.” As the ever-growing audience watched with expanding bemusement, she searched the field. Unfortunately, all the men either had a teammate or a significant other who would object to any arrangement. Finally, she found someone who didn’t appear to have either. “What about Anthony Johnson?” she asked desperately.

Cole snorted. “Sarah, he’s a hundred and two.”

“And still very good on his feet!”

“Yes, he is, which is why two ladies from the senior center got into an argument over who would be his partner,” Amy said with a wink.

“What about Clyde?” Cole offered. “Since you’re so desperate.”

The crowd laughed as Sarah flushed. “I’m assuming animals aren’t allowed, even police dogs.” Plus Clyde, the station German Shepard, was busy at the children’s booth. “And I’m not desperate.” But she was, and they both knew it.

“Then you’re out of options. Is there a reason you don’t want to partner with me?” Cole drawled, and the crowd leanedin. “You need a teammate; I need a teammate. It’s the perfect solution.”

She was stuck. Like it or not, she’d be spending the entire day with Cole Carter, in some of the races tied to him.Literally.“There’s no reason,” she managed out. “It’s fine.”

Cole smiled. Amy smiled. The people smiled. And each and every one of them sported the same speculative look that asked what was between her and Cole. As he put his hand on her back and led her forward, the answer remained a mystery.


Cole Carter’s REVISED Review

Sarah Sloan:3 stars

After reassessment, I may have been hasty with the one star review. Yes, Sarah likes making trouble, creating mischief and generally infuriating me, however there is far more to her. There is a goodness under the strength, intelligence, boldness and bravery. Requires further exploration.

What was he doing? The question echoed in Cole’s mind once and then a dozen times, as he watched his boss and new teammate from feet away. His own behavior had been far from typical.

Why had he volunteered to take Sarah to the festival?

Why had he wanted her as his teammate?

Why was he more intrigued than frustrated at the confounding woman?

For as long as he could remember, he’d had a complicated relationship with Sarah. They bickered over her behavior and his response, but other times they just connected. They had nevertruly been enemies or friends, yet their relationship had a depth that transcended both. Of course, there was that one night the day before he left. That night had never felt like a mistake.

Leaving had.

But now he was back, and he honestly didn’t know how he felt. So many of the same feelings had arisen, the frustration, the possessiveness, the desire. He now remembered why he’d tried so hard to protect her. She might act all rough and tough, but there was a kindness in her, a goodness no criminal act could diminish. With her silky black hair and creamy skin, she was beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, she was stunning.

He wanted that.Wanted her.

Intermingled with the desire to protect her, something stronger lurked, something far more powerful and compelling. Could he build a relationship with her? After their history, was such a thing possible?