Cole gave a genuine smile as Sarah stared. Despite almost falling out of a tree for a monkey (and then getting peed on by said monkey), he’d charmed the elderly woman. Cole was supposed to be the villain of the story.

He couldn’t possibly be the hero.

Now he stood tall, the only man to somehow look dignified smelling likeeau de monkey pee.“If that’s all, the sheriff and I have a few things to discuss.” He gave her a sideways glare that promised he would not be nearly as gentle.

Her breath hitched. Would she receive one of Cole Carter’s hour-long lectures on being a responsible citizen (patent pending)? Would he express disappointment in her poor decisions? Once, she might have fled the attention, perhapsclimbed her own tree, but no more. Her days of running from her problems – and Cole Carter – were over.

Mrs. Carmichael left, promising the monkey the entire banana inventory of Harmony Creek for his troubles. Cole turned to her, face to face, or rather face to one very expansive chest. “A monkey?” The words rumbled like a drum. “I climbed a tree for a monkey?”

Renewed laughter threatened, but she dampened it. She pursed her lips into a serious slash. “It would appear so.”

“I got peed on by a monkey.”

Sarah’s chest shook. “You sure did.”

“And you didn’t think it was a pertinent, significant or at least interesting fact to mentionbeforeI climbed the tree?”

The grin won. “I tried to tell you multiple times. Unfortunately, you were too busy explaining how I didn’t deserve my badge. Then when I tried to climb the tree myself, which I am capable of by the way, you manhandled me and insisted on going up yourself.”

For a second Cole looked uncomfortable, and Sarah resisted the urge to yell, “So there!” Instead, she placed her hands on her hips and, ignoring all likely consequences, remarked. “You really should take better care of your uniform.”

His expression would’ve made aTyrannosaurusrun. “Come with me.” Without waiting for an answer, he grasped her hand…

And took her with him.

Why didn’t she fight as he led her from the sidewalk to the back alley where they’d parked their cars? Perhaps she was shocked or flabbergasted or just really really wanted to see what he had planned. He passed his vehicle, stepping into a dark corner relatively hidden from view. The air was cooler and damper, with shadows hiding unseen corners. Now she forced him to slow. “Where are we going?”

He gazed at her darkly. “I’m taking you up on your offer, and I don’t want anyone to see.”

Her breath and steps hitched. Her offer? See what? Then he reached for the top button on his shirt, and the world stopped again.

Because he unfastened the button.

And the next.

And the next.

A sliver of tanned skin appeared. And the world remained stopped.

Breathe.She reminded herself once and then thrice before she managed it. “What are you doing?”

“Taking off my shirt.”

He undid another button, as Sarah’s heart raced the 100m at the Olympics, currently in first place. She had to stay calm, be reasonable, address him professionally and… Oh, forget it. “Listen, buddy, I don’t know what you think I offered, but you’re wrong. This was not part of any deal.”

“But you’re the one who suggested it.” Another button. “It’s too late to change your mind now.”

A fission of energy sizzled in the air, amidst the urge to see him without the shirt. And once the shirt was gone, it would only be natural to explore. Who was she kidding? If anyone was exploring, it would be him. “You can’t do this.”

Now it was his turn to smile. “Oh yeah? I think we’ve established that when it comes to physical prowess, I have the advantage.”

Yes, he did. Yet what she lacked in size, she made up for in sheer willpower. Her breath came rapid now, but like before, she wasn’t truly scared. This man would never force anything.

He wouldn’t have to.

“If you recall, you offered to take my uniform to the drycleaners. I’m taking you up on that offer.” He undid another button.

“Now listen here. If you think I’m going to–” His words finally reached her brain. “Wait, what?”