Yes, they did.
“There’s my beautiful daughter.”
Sarah jumped back, but Cole held her tight. She placed her hands on his chest, yet didn’t push back as she intended. Somehow, her naughty hands gripped him closer instead, even as she teased, “You have to let me go sometime.”
“Never.” He released one arm but kept her close, brushing his body against hers. The warmth from his large form steaked lightning throughout every limb, tenderizing taut muscles. Now she could only think about what cameafterthe wedding…
“Hey guys, let’s save that for later.”
Sarah flushed at her father’s all-too-accurate guess, grudgingly pulling from Cole’s hold to face the man in the doorway. Alfred Tanning looked dapper in a crisp black tuxedo, his hair expertly cut and his skin a healthy glow he’d attained after putting on a few pounds of much-needed weight. His skin was now smoother, his appearance less gaunt and gray. He wore the crisp suit well, yet nothing was as flattering as the cloak of sobriety.
He’d shocked the entire town by not only completing the program but excelling at it. He’d truly changed, or as he reminded her, was always changing, because it would be alifelong process. But every day, she saw a little more of the father she’d always dreamed of.
“Hi, Dad.” She walked into open arms, into the scent of the cologne he’d wore once upon a time. She’d given it as a father-of-the-bride gift, and he’d worn it every day since.
“You look beautiful.” He gazed at her like she was a princess – his princess – even though she was still in her casual sundress. “I can’t tell you how proud I am. Not just because of this–” He waved his hand at her newfound world. “Because of the strong woman you’ve become.”
She blushed, smoothing back the cascades of curls the beautician had somehow managed to create. “Thanks, Dad. I’m proud of you, too.” She told him that every time they talked. And like every time she said it, he grinned.
“And you.” Alfred held out his hand to Cole. “You take care of my daughter, you hear me?”
“Yes, sir,” Cole promised. “I plan to spend the rest of my life making sure she is happy and content. Actually, a lifetime is too short. How about forever?”
“Sounds good to me.” Alfred winked at her.
It soundedperfect. After a few moments of pleasant conversation she couldn’t fathom mere months ago, she hugged her father goodbye. He returned a hearty embrace, no longer appearing like he would lose a fight with a stiff breeze. He walked, no strode, from the room, grasping a bottled water from the table.
“So now, where were we–” A sharp knock on the door stole their attention. “Ah, that must be them. Come in!”
The door opened, and she stared.
The billionaires had arrived.
Not just billionaires but bona fide celebrities, including movie star Julian Starcroft and baseball phenom Jason Sterling. The others were well-known in their own right – billionaireCEOs Cameron Drake, Dominick Knight and Aidan Bancroft. They nodded hearty hellos, and their equally famous wives gave friendly greetings and hugs as they complimented her on everything from her hair to her home.
“I can’t believe you guys are friends.” Sarah tapped Cole’s arm. “Or that you’re part of this group.”
“Not very forthcoming, is he?” Julian rumbled in his patented movie star voice. “But actually, he’s the one who provided investment advice. If he didn’t love detective work so much…”
“Hey now,” Cole said sternly, but his eyes danced with mirth. “I’m not the only one who isn’t always forthcoming. Remember, I know how you all met.”
As if guilt was contagious, it passed from billionaire to billionairess, amidst pinkened cheeks and soft laughs. Sarah smiled at them. “Do you guys have unusual stories?”
“You might say that.” Adrianna puckered her lips as everyone laughed. She glanced at the empty room, then nodded at the other couples. “She’ll hear about us eventually. Should we give her the rundown?” As the others consented, she continued, “I met my husband when he was an intern at my company.”
“That doesn’t seem unusual.” Sarah bit her lip, as hazy memories of news stories surfaced. “Wait, I thought he founded the company.”
“He did,” Adrianna confirmed. “I should have said when he waspretendingto be an intern. Which is why I felt perfectly comfortable asking him to be my pretend boyfriend.”
“Wait a minute–” Sarah pointed her finger between the married couple, before settling on Dominick’s towering form. “You pretended to be both an intern and her boyfriend?”
“That’s right,” Adrianna said brightly. “Want to know what I said when I discovered the truth?”
“Oh yes.” Sarah leaned closer.
“Well I–”
“Hold on. We don’t have time for whole stories,” Kaitlyn interrupted with a teasing wink. “She’ll just have to check out yourBillionaire in Disguiselater.”