Page 45 of Sail Away with Me

“You, too.”

The introductions continued with Speed and Wilson, although a bit more colorful. Sail told her they were lifelong friends and had started working for Blue Lobster Adventures when they were in their teens. They were also part of the Seaport Water Rescue team if she ever needed saving.

“I’m happy with my sea legs planted firmly on the ground,” she reminded him. Although, the more time she spent with Sail, the more interested she was in going out on the boat. She could swim, but that wasn’t the issue. Jaws was. There were sharks in the water, and she didn’t want to become fish food.

In true local fashion, the table didn’t need menus and placed their order with her. She gathered their drinks and when she turned to carry the tray toward the table, Ana was behind her at the counter.

“What can I get you?”

“Oh, nothing,” Ana said. “I know you’re knew to town, but I’m wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?”

Galvin glanced from Ana to Sail, who was in a deep conversation with the guys at the table.

“If not, I get it.”

“No, it’s not that. I’m just wondering if Sail sent you over?”

Ana shook her head. “Just wanted to extend the offer. Sail mentioned you like the arts and I’m always looking for someone to go to the theater with.”

Galvin smiled. Having a friend, other than Sail or the people she worked with would be nice. “I’d like that.”

“Great. I’ll write my number down and give it to you. Text me whenever, but don’t call. I have to talk so much during work, texting is a relief.”

Galvin laughed. “Believe me, I get it.”

Ana went in the direction of the bathrooms while Galvin took the tray of sodas to the table. Each guy thanked her, but it was Sail who coyly touched her hand as she set his drink down. When her eyes met his, he winked. Galvin was starting to appreciate the wink.

At least when he did it.

From anyone else, it just seemed creepy.

An hour later, with the group of them still there, she passed the table to Rihanna and clocked out. Galvin went through the same motions she did the day prior with washing up, ditching her apron, and starting a load of laundry.

When she exited through the backdoor, Sail sat at the picnic table. The smile he’d given her earlier was nothing compared to the beaming grin he had for her now.

He stood as she approached. “I’d give anything to kiss you right now.”

She shook her head slightly. “Not here.”

“I would never,” he told her as he put his hands in his pocket. “I was hoping we could talk about earlier.”


“Nothing bad,” he said to reassure her. “I want to see if we’re on the same page.”

Galvin nodded and headed toward the stairs. Sail followed. Once they were inside her apartment, she expected him to kiss her and to maybe pin her against the wall. Ravage her. Anything to continue what they started this morning.

But he didn’t.

And her heart dropped a bit even though her thoughts about him confused her.

“Do you want to sit?”

Sail took her hand and led her to the couch. A flood of memories rushed toward her, and she ducked her head to hide her smile.

“It’s okay,” he said as he lifted her chin to look at him. “I’ve done nothing but think about this morning, which doesn’t bode well for me because . . .” his eyes went to his pants. She tried not to look but failed.

Sail rubbed his hand over his face. “Anyway, I like you, Galvin. A lot. I think you know this, but I wanted to make sure I said the words. I also know you’ve been hesitant to get close because of who I am.” He swallowed hard. “Your feelings are valid, and I want you to know I understand. But . . .” he looked at her and smiled. “What do I have to do to get out of the friendzone because I’m not really interested in the whole friends with benefits thing.”