Page 26 of Sail Away with Me

“Ah,” she said even though she felt about two feet tall for being so abrasive toward him. “It was good. Refreshing.”

“I’m glad to see you’re getting out and away from Carter’s. It’s not good to work all the time.”

“It’s how you make money.”

“I get it.” Sail motioned toward the sidewalk. “Are you heading this way?”

Galvin nodded.

“Mind if I walk with you?”

“Thanks.” She found herself saying even though she her first reaction was to say no. Having Sail as a friend wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

They fell into step next to each other. Sail offered to carry her bags, but when she declined, he put his hands in his pockets.

“So, what do you think of Seaport?”

“I like it,” Galvin said. “You’re right though, I do need to get out more.”

“Where did you run?”

Galvin gave him the route she ran. There was a lot of pointing, turning here and there, with some this and that. She felt horrible for not memorizing the roads or landmarks.

“I’d love to give you a proper tour,” he told her. “There’s a lovely beach not far from the mansions. It’s a bit touristy but the boardwalk there has some amazing shops.” Sail looked up at the sky and then shook his head. “Although, they might be closed since it’s officially Local’s summer.”

“Local’s summer?”

Sail laughed. “It’s what we call our summer since we don’t have to battle the onslaught of tourists. Most go home or stop vacationing by Labor Day, leaving Seaport to the locals. The weather is still nice, most of the kid are back in school, and we can roam the streets, eat in our restaurants, and relax on the beaches without a crowd.”

Galvin nodded slowly in understanding. They stopped at the street corner and waited for the light to change. “You know, I think I’d like that.”

Sail’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes, but I want to be clear about something. Your dad gave me this job as a favor to my dad and I don’t want anything to mess this up for me. I need the money to pay for law school or I won’t be able to go. You scare me. So do your brothers. I’m so afraid I’m going to mess up around you and end up out on my ass . . .”

“Galvin—” Sail interrupted her. “We’re not those kinds of people, and I totally respect what you’re saying.” He held up his hand showing the scouts honor sign.

“Were you a Boy Scout?”

Sail smiled brightly and chuckled. “Not even close, but it’s the best I got right now.”

As they walked across the street, he stayed a smidge behind her, giving her the lead. When they reached the other side, he was next to her again.

“Are you off today?”

She nodded.

“How about we start today?”

“I need to shower.”

Another smile. “It’s a good thing I know this diner where I can wait for you then.”

Sail Carter was a charmer and if she wasn’t careful, he’d charm her right out of her socks. Maybe she should start wearing nylons.

Just to be safe.
