Page 57 of Sail Away with Me

“Okay,” he said, and then handed it to Dune.

Dune finished it with no hesitation and then buckled over when the cold froze his brain. He screamed in agony, while the rest of them laughed.

“Do you want stay here?”

Galvin shook her head.

Sail leaned toward his brother, who nodded. The men guided them out, the path parting like Dune and Sail were some types of gods. Outside, Caroline whined.

“I wanted to dance.”

“We’ll open the club at Carter’s next weekend,” Dune said.

“Seriously?” she asked, and Dune nodded. “Do you like to dance?” she asked Galvin.

Galvin shrugged. “I can take it or leave it. I’ll dance if that’s what people are doing.”

Caroline smiled. “You’re going to be there next weekend. I’ll make sure Ana is there as well. We’ll have fun.”

Dune groaned. “Come on, let’s go home.” He tugged on Caroline’s hand. They all said their goodbyes and went in opposite directions.

Galvin linked her arm into the crook of Sail’s and leaned into him. “She’s fun.”

“She’s something,” he said, laughing. “My brother is madly in love with her. He said he’d never met anyone like her.”

“That’s good though. We want to be the most unique person in our person’s life.”

Sail looked down and met her gaze. “You’re definitely unlike anyone else I’ve ever met.”

“How so?” She paused walking and faced him.

“Your determination and drive, for one thing. Aside from my family, none of my friends ever push themselves. I watch you work, bust your ass for tips so you can follow your dream of going to law school. Most people would give up or whine about it. You don’t. You just work harder.

“And then with me. You made me want to be better even though nothing had happened between us. Being a better person has made me happier. Being with you, in your presence, has changed me for the better.”

“Do you want to know what I see when I look at you?”

Sail nodded and Galvin smiled. He’d been heartfelt with her; she wanted to do the same.

“I see a man who got into trouble at school for drinking, who came home and owned his mistakes to his parents, and who hasn’t had a drop to drink since he returned. If it took you getting suspended, to become the man I am standing with now, I’m extremely grateful.” The words poured out of her. She was on the verge of telling him she fallen for him a while ago but kept that tidbit to herself. Somethings needed time to germinate before they were revealed, and this was one of them.

Despite her hesitation to get involved with him, she had. Right now, they were the same—two people bidding time—but come January, they’d go their separate ways. If anything, she hoped they’d remain friends because there was no way she’d subject either of them to a long-distance relationship. Especially when she had to study and work all the time.

Sail held her gaze and leaned toward her, pressing his lips to hers. They were out in the open, standing on the busy sidewalk, neither of them caring about the people passing them by. They parted and he kissed the tip of her nose and then rested his forehead against hers.

“I’m so damn happy I kept up my pursuit of you.”

“Me, too,” she said right away. She still had some reservations because of her job, but he’d promised her nothing would happen. Galvin had to trust him.

They walked slowly back to her apartment. They walked to the gate and Sail lifted the latch for her, shutting the gate behind them.

“Do you want ice cream?” Sail asked her.

“Oh, I don’t have any.”

He held up his keys. “We can go in the diner and raid the freezer.”

Galvin glanced at the back door and then scrunched her nose. “Maybe another time.” She then looked at her door before turning her gaze onto Sail. “Do you want to spend the night?”