Galvin shuddered. She turned the water off, rubbed her favorite lotion all over and then ran her fingers through her hair. When her ears cleared, she heard soft music playing from the other room. It took her a minute to pinpoint the song. Once she did, she smiled. Sail knew how to charm her, which was dangerous.
She dried off, got out of the shower, and froze. The clothes she intended to wear were still in her bedroom. Normally, this wasn’t an issue because she didn’t usually have an unbelievably sexy man, whose presence made her do and think ridiculous things, in her studio.
“Shit, crap, damn,” she muttered to the steam covered mirror. Her choices weren’t as simple as they seemed. Galvin could either go out there, wrapped in her towel like this wasn’t a big deal, or she could peek her head out the door and ask Sail to face the wall. The latter was the best, yet childish option.
With a sigh, she opened the door. “Hey,” she said into the open space.
“What’s up?” Sail came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took her in. “Uh . . .”
“I forgot my clothes.”
He shook his head quickly. “Oh, uh . . .” Sail cleared his throat. “Do you need me to get them for you?”
“No, but could you turn around? Not look? I mean, I have a towel on but . . .”
“For sure.” He turned right around and moved away from the door. Galvin watched as he walked forward and then sidestepped, putting him behind the curtain she’d put up.
See, he’s not a bad guy.
Galvin scrambled to her clothes, pulling out an oversized sweatshirt, tank top, panties, and yoga pants, before darting back into the bathroom. Before closing the door, she yelled, “Okay, you can look now.”
“Damn, I missed it,” he said before the door shut.
A warm sensation washed over her as she absorbed his words. “Don’t even think about it, Galvin. You are here to work, to save money for law school. No romantic entanglements. Besides, he’s leaving in January.”
Even as she said the words, they were ignored.
She applied the newest fad in face cream, ran a brush through her hair, and then braced herself to sharing her space with a man who made her knees weak, and her mind forget her priorities.
When she came out of the bathroom, Sail was at the door, greeting the delivery person. She fluttered around the kitchen, grabbing plates, pulling paper towels from the roll, and filling two glasses with the root beer she had in the refrigerator. This was likely why she suggested pizza. She needed an excuse to drink the soda she’d bought, and what paired better with it than pizza.
“How much do I owe?” She followed Sail to the other side of the counter, where there was enough of a lip for them to sit and eat at.
“Nothing,” he told her. “I said I was taking you to dinner.”
“I can pay my half.”
“Which I appreciate.” He set a slice of pizza and a cheese breadstick on her plate.
He’d ordered a large pepperoni with what looked like extra cheese, to go with an order of cheesy breadsticks. Her stomach growled.
“I hear ya,” Sail said. “I’m hungry too.”
“It’s natural. Now eat.”
Galvin took the first bite and hummed in satisfaction. “This is good.”
“It’s the best on the island.”
“Let me guess, the Carter’s own it.”
Sail laughed and shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. Lou’s has been here for generations. The owner came here from Italy and started selling pizzas out of his kitchen. Mostly to construction workers. I think I remember learning the slices were five cents or something. But all his ingredients came from his yard or were donated by others. It’s actually an amazing story.”
“Well, it’s an amazing pizza.” She reached for another slice.
They ate in comfortable silence until Sail’s phone chimed. He looked at the notification. Galvin studied his expressions, from interest to what she would consider frustration.