She hoped he wouldn’t be angry with her for not mentioning it before now. But she’d been so wrapped up in wanting to mate him, and he’d shown her he felt the same way that she hadn’t thought of it.
“I have something I need to tell you.” Her voice sounded dark and serious, and she hoped Alasdair wouldn’t be upset with her when she explained that Ari was part of the clan they’d belonged to.
“Aye?” Alasdair sounded like he was trying to keep his voice even, but she thought he might not like what she had to say.
“The guard I killed on the beach? He was Ari.”
Alasdair tensed, and he frowned at her. “Ari? How do you know him? Was he from a neighboring Icelandic clan?” He ran his hand over her arm, resting on his chest in a soothing way.
“Worse. He was from the clan we lived with, and he was the chieftain Funi’s cousin.”
“Gods.Why did you no’ tell me this before?”
“At first, I didna think it mattered.”
He looked down at her with a disapproving look.
She sighed. “I was afraid you would believe we were one of them. As in, we were there raiding like the others.”
“You wouldna have killed Ari then.”
“Unless I hated him for some reason.”
“You wouldna have risked it when your family was hidden in the cave. Before you arrived on our shores, did you know they were raiding our region?”
“Nay. To tell the truth, I was shocked to see their ships on the shore beyond the cliffs. Even so, we didna know whose ships they were. We only saw the ships’ sterns.”
“Then why did you risk your life to kill the guard?”
“I wanted to see if they had taken slaves. I wanted to destroy their ships and free the hostages. I didna want anyone to be enslaved like Elene had been.”
He nodded, appearing to believe her. “Is there anything else you wish to tell me that you havena yet?” He didn’t sound happy with her.
Trust between mates was so important. She should have told him about all of this already.
“I thought Ari had already taken ships and crews out to raid, though I didna know where they were going. But then I wondered if mayhap they hadna been away but had secretly been hiding when Funi turned on my uncle, knowing full well my uncle had planned to take over. Ari would have been there as his backup, which makes sense.”
“You believe the ships sailed after you and your kin?”
“Aye. Well, no’ totally, because theywereplanning on making a raid somewhere. But they might have done so after they were assured that Funi eliminated my uncle. Chasing us down after that would have given them an additional incentive on their journey.”
Alasdair rubbed his face, then kissed her forehead. “First, I want you to know that you can tell me anything?—”
“And you willna be angry with me?”
He chuckled. “It depends on the circumstances. I canna always say I will no’ be angry if the situation warrants. I want you to be open with me about anything. In this situation, it couldmean more trouble for us if they want to eliminate you and your cousins.”
“I didna mean to bring trouble to your shores.”
“They never saw your ship in the cave. They had already landed, and then Erik and I burned the ships. So they didna follow you here. You didna bring the trouble here. I’m certain that once they didna see you on the open ocean, they went about their business of raiding the coastal villages and monasteries. They could still be in the area, putting you, your cousins, and your brother at risk.”
“Aye. I’m sorry.”
“Nay, dinna be. I worry about you and your kin and keeping them safe.”
She loved him for feeling that way about them.
“They’ve already been this way, having stolen from the villagers near your territory. So they wouldna be returning. They would have stolen everything they wanted. You have no ships, so it’s no’ like they would return to steal them. I’m sure other lords would try and track them down as they went into their territories and eliminate them.”