Page 52 of Wolf Pack

Isobel didn’t know what to say.

Agnes straightened her spine. “I will tell Alasdair I begged you to turn Cleary and Baine to ensure the little ones remained safe.”

Isobel shook her head.

“We'll do everything we can to keep all of you in the pack," Agnes said, determination in her voice.

Dawy shook his head. “Alasdair will know the truth. No one gets anything past him.”

“I wouldna have you take the blame.” Isobel would take the blame for her cousins should they have gotten themselves in trouble, but she would never allow anyone to take responsibility for her actions.

“Alasdair is nearly here,” Dawy warned as he watched out the window.

“You stay here,” Isobel said to Conall, knowing he would want to come with her and speak his mind. She thought she could smooth things over with Alasdair if she went alone.

“You didna make me do it, Isobel,” Conall said. “And I will take responsibility for my actions.”

She was proud of him for doing what was right. Though she still wanted to protect him. His siblings needed him.

“Let me speak with him alone first.” She didn’t want her cousin to have to deal with the angry laird.

She headed outside to intercept Alasdair and headed away from the croft so they could speak in private, though she suspected Agnes, Dawy, and her cousin would be watching out the window. She knew Conall would rescue her if this led to a physical fight between her and Alasdair. She didn’t know Alasdair well enough to know how he would react.

“What were you thinking?” Alasdair asked as he and Isobel continued to close the gap between them.

“That Cleary and Baine were hurting Libby, though I didna even know it was them at first,” Isobel said.

“You couldna have taken them on while swinging a sword?”

She folded her arms and raised a brow. “Me against two men?”

“You know what this cost us?”

“Your pride?”

Alasdair scoffed, though, to an extent, she figured he knew she was right. “What if my people feel you are as untrustworthy as Cleary and Baine? Dangerous to their well-being even?”

“I had to protect my family. You said you would turn them! You said you would protect us. I thought you would lock them up behind the castle walls this eve.”

He released his breath. “As the pack leader, I must turn people if the circumstances warrant. It’s on my conscience. What if they are even angrier that Icelandic wolves turned them? Had you even considered that possibility?”

“Aye, I did. And if they want to fight me, so be it.”

Alasdair shook his head.

“What do you want me to say or do?” She folded her arms. “I willna apologize.”

Alasdair almost smiled, but he was still frowning.

“We will leave here if you tell us to,” she added.

“You canna. No’ with the little ones and the problems you would face as Icelanders and further as wolves in a strange land.”

“We could go with Erik and his kin since they’re Icelanders also, though he has a white wolf pack and we’re gray.”


She sighed, relieved he didn’t want them to leave. “What must I do to make this right?”