Page 36 of Wolf Pack

As in wanting her as a mate? She shook her head and walked outside to greet Hans, thinking her brother was hopeful when it wasn’t a sure thing.

“Alasdair wishes you to come to the keep to break your fast.”

She glanced at Agnes who had joined everyone at the door.

All smiles, Agnes motioned for her to leave. “Your cousins can help out today. They have been doing a fine job. Conall and you gathered enough firewood and water to last us for a couple of days. Conall said he’s supposed to be doing weapons training later at the castle. I will take Libby and Drummond for a swim then. We’ll do fine.”

“All right.” Isobel was surprised but grateful that Agnes wanted to swim with the children. After all that they had experienced, they needed some time to be children. None of them had even spoken about their da’s death.

Agnes, Dawy, and Isobel’s family all returned to the table to have their breakfast.

Before Hans could make the gesture to help Isobel onto the spare horse, she quickly mounted her. Hans smiled at her, then escorted Isobel to the castle.

“Is there some problem Alasdair wants to discuss with me?” She hated sounding a little anxious.

Hans shook his head. “As far as I know, Alasdair just wants you to make friends with others in the pack. The more they see of you, the more they’ll get to know you.”

“Oh.” And learn she wasn’t one of the vicious marauders.

“Though…we have an issue with Baine and Cleary, and I believe Alasdair wants to speak to you about that.”

“The humans who were trying to learn if Conall and I were Vikings?”


That Alasdair wanted to talk to her about it made her think the trouble she might have with them hadn’t been resolved.

As soon as they arrived at the keep, Isobel noticed the change in people’s attitude toward her. They were more deferent. More in…awe? She wasn’t sure what it meant.

“Och,” Elene hurried to hug her, then took her hand and led her through the keep and into the great hall. " You wouldnabelieve what everyone is saying.” She escorted her to one of the lower tables to sit.

“What?” Isobel was concerned that people were revolting against Alasdair for having her and her kin in the pack.

“You should hear the talk. That you swam with his lairdship in the loch last night.” Elene’s eyes were wide. “Did you?”

Isobel’s heart sped up. She couldn’t believe anyone would have learned of it.

“That he is interested in being with you as in mated.”

In disbelief, Isobel shook her head. “I am sitting with you at one of the lower tables,ja? If Alasdair was interested in courting me, wouldn’t I be sitting at the high table with him?”

Elene shrugged. “Maybe. So tell me. Is it true?”

“Nay. I went for a swim. Even my cousins will be swimming there after they have finished their chores. It’s good for them to have some fun and feel secure after all the danger we’ve faced. And I believe Agness is just as thrilled to swim with them.”

“Aye, I agree.” Elene wasn’t giving up on the topic of her and Alasdair being in the loch though. “I have heard tell that his lairdship was at the loch at the same time as you last eve.”

Isobel sighed. “I was guarding him.” Which was the truth! And enjoying the view. Of course, if anyone had come out to endanger his life, she would have been there to protect him with her life in a heartbeat.

“Nay.” Then Elene laughed. “That is precious.” Then she grew serious. “Three women in the clan are ready to kill you over it. They have tried to catch his eye since their families joined the pack. Just watch out for them.”

Alasdair entered the great hall and took his seat at the head table, where food and drinks were served. He spoke to Hans, who turned and pointed to where Isobel was seated beside Elene.

Isobel didn’t think she stood a chance to be Alasdair’s mate, but she loved a challenge. “The other women will have no chance with him.”

“I dinna think so either.

If they had, Isobel figured he wouldn’t have been eyeing her so at the loch last night or in the great hall now. He probably would have already mated one of the other women if he’d truly felt something for any of them.