Page 33 of D-Day

“That’s too bad,” Zorro said. “I like organ meats.”

“We’re done here,” Lando said. “You can leave.”

“It’s brutal out there. How about we add three guns to your count for a couple of days?” Finally, he turned to look atHelen, licking his lips. “And I see another treasure that is worth mining.”

Playing her part, she put a disgusted look on her face and stiffened. “I’ll kill you first.”

D-Day’s rich, deep laughter rang through the room, the humor transforming his face as his straight, white teeth flashed, and she was determined that, in his future, he would laugh a lot more. “I do like you, wildcat. I can’t wait to get to know you better.” His hot, dark gaze raked over her as though he was stripping her naked.

“She’s off limits until my brother is healed,” Lando said. His glittering eyes told her that he wanted to turn her over to this ruthless gunrunner to satiate his anger. “I won’t have her harmed. After that…” He shrugged, with a nasty, smug look.

D-Day made a soft male sound deep in his throat, his eyes going hot and predatory. “Oh, mate, I only intend to harm her so good,” he said with velvet softness.

She let shock and dismay cross her face but couldn’t wait for the moment when they would be alone. She had so much to tell him.

Lando ate that up and smiled. “Yeah, a few days works. But you said three guns.”

“Do you think I would come in here without backup?”

So Buck was probably here, too, out there in that soggy mess. There was so much stuff she hadn’t been aware her brother did, like this. Providing security for D-Day and Zorro while dealing with being wet and uncomfortable. She’d always had respect for him, but that respect and the love she had for her big brother expanded, knowing that these men were risking their lives not only for her, but for their country and for millions of Filipino strangers. That surely put everything into perspective.

When the food came, D-Day looked at her and patted a spot next to him on the sofa. “Come on, wildcat, keep me company.”

She lifted her chin, her eyes narrowing, then shook her head.

“Sit,” Lando ordered, then gave her a sly smile.

Lando’s order brooked no disagreement. She reluctantly pushed away from the window.

D-Day watched her with an oddly intent look. Helen stared at him, then looked at Lando, her mind not connecting with anything. Lando jerked his chin toward the couch and D-Day said in a gentle voice, “Come on, wildcat. I promise not to bite.”

Helen walked to the sofa and sat down, her body rigid as she huddled in the sweatshirt for warmth. She wedged her trembling hands between her knees, aware—so desperately aware—of the man beside her. It wasn’t hard to play this part. It was as if everything was hitting her at once, sending her whole body into shock. The six months without him, Greg’s possible death, the emotional jolt of seeing D-Day walk out of the jungle like her white knight.

Swallowing hard, she clamped her thighs tighter together, her vision blurring. God, if she started crying, she would never stop. Vaguely aware of the conversation between Lando and D-Day, she locked her jaw and looked blindly out the window, trying to will away the awful constriction in her chest and throat. Maybe that was the problem. She had bottled up so much over her life, especially her separation from D-Day—it was as if there simply wasn’t room for anything more, and it was finally spilling out, whether she wanted it to or not.

D-Day tensed, and she knew he must be fighting the urge to take her into his arms, and she craved that security, that warmth and comfort.

“How about something to wash this tucker down,” he said, using the Aussie slang term for food, meaning something to be tucked away.

She read his body language and those subtle nuances she’d picked up and knew that anger was held in deep check. He wasreleasing a whole lot of frustrated energy, yes, but there was a purpose to him that bolstered her confidence and gave her hope that they would bring this mission to a close.

Lando got up and went to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a blue liquid. He walked back, twisted off the cap, and poured two glasses. Zorro dropped his weapon, and when Lando looked over, D-Day dropped something in his drink. When he looked back, he picked up his glass and tipped it. “To the bottom line,” he said.

D-Day clinked glasses with him and smiled. “Fair dinkum.”

Moments after he downed the glass of liquor, Lando’s eyes grew heavy, and he slipped into unconsciousness.

With a soft cry, she threw herself into D-Day’s waiting arms, and he hugged her hard. Hauling in a deep, ragged breath, he kissed the top of her head. “Fuck, I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered roughly, holding her as if he couldn’t let her go.

Zorro came over, shifted Lando onto his shoulder, and toted him down the hall away from them. He pressed her head to his shoulder, gathering her up in a tight embrace, his hand cupping her nape. Shifting so she was flat against him, she closed her eyes, the rush of relief and comfort flowing over her. He tightened his hold on her, her heart hammering, her breathing harsh.

Shifting her head, he covered her mouth in a hot, deep kiss, and she opened to him, her mouth moving against his with an urgent need for the closeness she craved with him. Her jaw locked against the ache in her throat. “I’m so thankful you’re here.”

“Nothing was going to keep me away from you,” he said, his tone ominous. Sealing his mouth over hers again, he kissed her for several seconds. He broke the kiss, frowning. “I’m sorry about the way I have to act toward you, about what I had to say and do in front of that bastard.” His tone was gruff, low andsincere, his gaze still watching her. His gentle touch was a balm to her soul.

She was filled to the brim with feelings for him, and she gently combed her fingers through his damp hair, wishing she could wrap up every inch of him. He was so infinitely special. So infinitely precious. “It was necessary, so don’t go and heap guilt on your conscience for my sake.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. He took a deep breath as she kissed him just beneath his ear. Another faint tremor coursed through him, and he clasped her so tightly it hurt.