“Still, even with that possibility, I think it’s best if you leave.”
Helen lifted her chin. “And if I don’t? Are you going to detain me?”
“Helen—” Buck said, but she barreled right over him.
“If you think you can get away with violating my personal rights and my right to make a living at a job I choose, you’re mistaken. These people need us, and I intend to continue to help them.”
Bailee raised her brows at Helen’s firm tone and unmovable stance. “That poses a problem, Miss Buckard.”
“No, it doesn’t. Make me a NOC.” D-Day blew out a breath, tunneling his fingers through his hair, feeling as if she had knocked him upside the head with a lead pipe. He looked to Buck, sure the man would protest, but even though Buck looked angry, he didn’t say a word. “If I can find out any information about their organization or what they’re up to, I can pass it on to you.” D-Day swore softly under his breath, but she ignored him, talking over his obvious rejection of her proposal. She lifted her chin, and he hadn’t realized it was so stubborn. “I’d be valuable in the field, doing my job without any connection to the CIA. Taer already likes me, and it would be easy?—”
“Fucking no!” D-Day said, looming over her. “You’re out of your mind. These are fucking killers, and they won’t hesitate to murder you if they even think you’re part of US intelligence.” His teammates offered nods and grunts of understanding. Joker’s gaze shifted to D-Day, and D-Day was aware he was showing something that would garner speculation amongst his teammates, but he was beyond curbing his reaction. This was too vital.
The acronym for NOC stood for non-official cover, which meant NOCs had no overt connection to the US government, but that also meant they had none of the protections either, like diplomatic immunity. He was on loan to the CIA, but if he gotinto trouble, he had the skills to survive until his team came after him. Helen was defenseless.
She turned to look at him, her face impassive, her eyes hardening. “I don’t remember asking you for your opinion or for your permission.”
He slanted her an incredulous glance and took in the rigid set of her shoulders—so slim, so delicate, too often carrying a burden that would have crushed a lesser person. He thought of the burden that had broken her. She had lost colleagues, and the memory of her distress cut through him like a knife.
“Why don’t we continue this conversation over here,” Bailee said, shouldering her way in and taking Helen’s arm, giving D-Day a censoring look when he opened his mouth. Buck closed the space between them and dragged D-Day outside.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Buck growled.
“Me?” D-Day bit out, narrowing his gaze and pointing a finger at him. “What’s the matter with you! She’s your sister and you didn’t say a fucking thing!”
“She’s my sister and it’s killing me that she’s suggesting getting involved in this mission, but I learned a long time ago that Helen has a mind of her own. She’s a grown woman, and she makes her own decisions. I’ve had to let go, knowing that she’s going all over this dangerous globe administering to the sick and wounded. You have to get past this, D-Day. Any slip-up with her in the mix could prove to be a disaster.” There was no mistaking the fear and the pain in Buck’s voice.
D-Day swore under his breath, turned and hit the side of the building with the flat of his hand. “This is fucking madness.”
Joker came out of the building with a scowl on his face. “It’s a done deal. Helen is now a NOC, and we will have to work with her if she’s anywhere near those warlords.” He released a hard breath and looked at Buck. “How do you feel about this?”
Buck’s mouth tightened. “I hate it, LT, but as I was just telling D-Day, Helen cannot be swayed once she’s made up her mind. She’s been headstrong since birth. There’s a reason we call her hellion. So, I will work with her.”
“It’s not going to be too much of a distraction?”
“No, sir. I’ll admit that I have a need to protect my sister, but I also know that she’s going to do what she feels is best.”
Joker nodded. He then turned to D-Day. “Do you have a problem?”
“I fucking have a huge problem with this, but it appears that Helen has made her decision, and there’s not a fucking thing any of us can do about it.”
“So, in light of your obvious attachment to Buck’s sister, is continuing the mission a go for you?”
“Goddammit! Yes!” D-Day bit out furiously. He was caught up in his own anger over this whole situation, and to be honest he wasn’t sure he could stay focused. D-Day knew he was the only one who could pull off this undercover op, and there was no way he was going to leave Helen out to dry, not in this hostile environment. No matter what Buck said about her, he was pragmatic, but D-Day was frantic. Nothing could happen to this woman…fucking nothing. He would make damn sure with his life if necessary.
“And you can stay focused on this mission?”
For the second time, D-Day lied to his LT’s face. “Yes.”
“Okay, stay on your toes, and for fuck’s sake, keep your eye on Helen. I don’t care what she says, she’s vulnerable, defenseless, and out of her element. If she gets into trouble, you know what to do.”
Something eased in D-Day at Joker’s words. At least he understood and that made all the difference. It was clear he wasn’t going to order them to do anything. Made sense. Reluctant SEALs were loose cannons. Many things groundedthem, but when it came to family—and that’s how D-Day felt about Buck and his family—all bets were off.
Helen came out of TOC, and throwing them glances, she followed Bear to the van. Getting inside, she met his eyes, and he met her gaze unflinchingly, his anger drawing in the nearly tangible instantaneous sparks of awareness between the two of them. As was the feverish heat and undeniable hunger Helen generated whenever she was near him. He met her direct, angry look and that deep intimate look that always unsettled him so effortlessly. Her mouth tightened as she closed the door, and Bear took off. D-Day’s hand curled into a fist, and the muscles in his arm bunched with tension. He wanted to pummel something…he wanted to talk to her…fuck her so hard and so deep it was a compulsion that he could barely restrain… Fuck, he needed a drink.
Joker had already gone back inside, but the guys filed out into the night seething with D-Day’s impotent fury and frustration by the entire situation, along with this uncontrollable attraction to her made everything all the more complicated.
“This is fucking nuts, Buck,” Blitz said. “Your sister is?—”