Page 14 of D-Day

Joker swore. “What a cluster, but missions go wrong, that’s a given. It’s our response to this that will give us alternatives to scraping it.”

“Scrapping it is not wise,” Bear said. “These men aim to use these weapons on Americans and Filipinos. If that happens, this part of the world won’t be the same. China will accuse us, and it’ll be an even bigger clusterfuck.”

“Has this mission been compromised?” Bailee said through clenched teeth.

“No, she knows better than to say anything about what happened, and she played along with D-Day,” Buck said. “She’d never put us in danger. She knows what we do for a living, and she caught on very quickly. It’s a precarious situation, and believe me, I’m not thrilled my sister is in the middle of a band of fucking cutthroats and killers.” His expression darkened.

Bailee closed her eyes and dropped her face into her hand. “Joker and Bear are right. We can’t scrap this mission, so that means we need to contain it. I want her in here, now. A-SAP. We need to make sure she understands the consequences if she doesn’t keep this information to herself.” Bailee’s gaze swept over them all. “Our asses are hanging out there, and D-Day, Buck, and Zorro’s lives are in the balance.”

Dinner turned into drinks,and Helen and her colleagues discussed the health problems facing the Filipino people.

“We still have a substantial problem with dengue cases numbering over three hundred K, but the deaths are lower this year compared to last year,” Dr. Bacunawa said with a smile. Dengue was a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. It caused flu-like symptoms, including high fever, pain behind the eyes, nausea, vomiting and rash.

“Why do you think that’s the case?” Monique asked.

“Mostly the initiatives our government has put in place, namely destruction of mosquito breeding grounds, information dissemination on protection—covering more of their skin and using mosquito repellants, and early detection and managementof cases,” Dr. Bacunawa responded. She looked just as fresh and pretty tonight as Helen felt in her sleevelessmaxi dress.

“The Department of Health is also providing diagnostic kits and insecticides in hotspot areas,” Dr. Aquino said.

The group continued to talk about the cases, but Monique turned to her and said, “You look nice tonight.”

Helen shrugged. “It’s just a dress.”

“That’s like saying Wonder Woman’s outfit is just a costume. I love the Boho vibes, the ruffles, and that open back is very sexy. You look great in yellow.” She sipped her drink. “It’s just nice to be able to wear pretty things and not sweat through the armholes.”

Helen chuckled, lifting her glass of wine. “I hear you, sister.” Then she closed her eyes, emotion overcoming her. Maybe it was the remnants of seeing D-Day in such a scary, danger-filled place, and all the feelings she had for him tightening inside her like a vise. She drained the last of her wine, and gathered her purse, needing some fresh air and solitude.

“You’re leaving?” Monique said somberly.

“Yes. We’ve got another big day tomorrow, another six a.m. call, and more trekking through the jungle. I think I’ll turn in.”

“Party pooper,” Monique grumbled. “I think I’ll have one more before I concede to our noble cause.”

Helen smiled and patted her friend’s shoulder. “You are too good for this world, Monique.”

Monique laughed and nodded. “I know, my friend.” She caught the waiter’s eye to order another glass of wine as Helen headed for the exit.

Before she could get away, Greg rose, blocking her path, “You’re not leaving so soon,” he said, his voice on the verge of a whine.

“Yes. Time for me to go.” He grabbed her arm, and she froze. This was getting so tedious, and with thoughts of D-Day fillingher up, she snapped, “What we had is over, Greg,” she hissed in a low whisper. “Don’t touch me again and stop with the overtures. I’m serious. Don’t make me file a harassment complaint against you.”

That jolt of information caused Greg’s hand to abruptly release her. Something dark and angry flared in the depths of his eyes, then he blinked, and it was gone. “I’m sorry. Message received,” he said, his voice as tight as his jaw.

She exited the restaurant totally preoccupied with the incident, so she was completely caught off guard when two men flanked her—huge brutes, one with brown hair, and the other one dark with Native American features. They dragged her to a dark van, and every innate fear associated with vans rolled over her.

She went to protest, but one of them covered her mouth, slipping his arm around her waist, prepared to carry her if need be. The other one opened the door and tried to shove her inside, ripping the hem of her dress, the sound stark in the night. She started to pull back and fight, but before she made any attempt, Buck’s deep voice said, “Get in, hellion.”

She sucked in a startled gasp, and her body went soft in shock. The men pushed her inside, and she stumbled, but a hard body caught her, and she found herself seated between Buck and…D-Day. Her hip was pressed against the gun holstered at D-Day’s side. She gasped in surprise and caught the hard glint in Buck’s gaze. He was pissed.

The van jolted forward, and she was thrown almost across D-Day’s lap. He righted her, sliding one arm around her waist, and rested the palm of his hand right at the curve of her hip to keep her anchored, his touch undeniably possessive, and hot. Very hot. Neither he nor her brother moved an inch. Fucking SEALS.

Forcing herself to relax, she leaned into those broad shoulders and hard chest. She tried to remain unaffected andcalm, but she failed miserably. One deep breath brought his warm, heady male scent curling through her senses like a hypnotic drug. She was so keenly aware of him, in every way. Everything about the man, about his touch, was so seductively mesmerizing. So arousing and exciting, made more so by the fact that everything he did was so natural and unrehearsed. And while he appeared to be completely relaxed and unaffected by her close-enough-to-kiss presence, she, on the other hand, couldn’t stop her long-deprived body from reacting to each and every sensation. Her pulse quickened, something deep in her stomach fluttered, and her bare breasts felt tight and sensitive against the soft cotton of her dress.

“Leave it to you, hellion, to make things complicated,” Buck said in that affectionately sarcastic way of his. Her cheeks burned and her ire climbed, dousing all those arousing feelings she was experiencing.

So, the shit was hitting the fan, and apparently, her hands were quite dirty.