Page 27 of Burn

“What’ll be, Gracie?” he asked as he grinned at me. “Pancakes? French toast? I’ve got eggs, bacon, some grilled onions and peppers. The assholes ate all of the fried potatoes, but I can make you some hash browns.”

Normally, I’d go for a protein shake and some fruit maybe. “Coffee?”

“We have that too,” Lunchbox said, motioning to the pot. “But you barely ate anything yesterday, you need more today. So, tell me what you want. Omelet? Quiche? Quiche could take a few, but doable.” He paused to consider the kitchen. “Might be able to throw together a decent breakfast burrito too. Do we have…”

He backed up to the fridge and pulled the door open.

“Yes, we have salsa! Excellent. We also have some fruit, if you’d like a salad. Granola and yogurt. Whatever you like, we definitely need to add some protein.”

I swore my brain was not processing as fast as he was speaking. My stomach interrupted my musings with a gurgle. “Um… eggs and toast? Maybe a strip of bacon? No potatoes. The fruit would be nice too.”

“On it, get the girl some coffee, Alphabet,” Lunchbox said, then waved me to the table. “Have a seat. We’ll get you all fed, then we can debrief.”

“I can get my own or help?—”

“Nah,” Alphabet said, the corners of his mouth tilting up into a smile. He gave me a gentle nudge to the table. “Lunchbox is always in charge at mess times. Go sit. Let him feed you. He’ll feel better.”

I didn’t want to go sit with the two men I barely knew. Goblin leaned into my leg and I glanced down at his happy expression. It looked like he was grinning.

Cooperation might buy me some favors and then get me a phone. The longer I stood here smelling the food, the hungrier I was getting. Finally, I headed over to the table. The weight of their gazes pressed in on me as I took a seat, but when I glanced up, they weren’t paying any attention to me.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to get my rioting brain back under control. No one needed me paranoid. Alphabet was there with my coffee and not even a full minute later, Lunchbox put a full plate in front of me. The extra bacon and eggs wasn’t lost on me.

“Eat,” he said and gave my shoulder a light bump. “Don’t worry about the rest of the guys. They can wait until you’re done.”

I didn’t want to wait until I was done. I wanted to talk now, but no one said anything and the way Alphabet looked at me as he took the chair next to mine said they probably wouldn’t until I ate.


I’d eat.




Grace Black was a problem. The delicate, fragile looking woman with her doll-like features was likely used to getting her way. Doubtlessly, she charmed and coaxed her way through life and achieved what she wanted with a smile and a wink.

The fact Lunchbox nudged her to eat and no one said anythingwhileshe ate seemed to displease her. Despite those objections, which she didn’t voice, she dug into the food. The first couple of bites were tentative. The next few were a little steadier.

Alphabet waited for her to begin eating before he tucked into his own plate. When my breakfast was done, I rose to wash the plate. Voodoo had eaten earlier, and currently he sat there studying Grace.

Instead of joining us, Lunchbox leaned against the counter. He had his arms folded and like Voodoo, he studied Grace as well. When I walked past him and broke his sight line he frowned at me.

I shook my head as we locked gazes. Not a good idea.

He raised his shoulders. What did I want from him?

I just stared. I wanted him to think. The woman was a client. That was all.

With a snort, he nodded back to the table where she attempted to stealthily slip bacon to Goblin. The only one unaware that we were all watching herwasher.

After bumping a fist to Lunchbox’s shoulder, I took the time at the sink to wash up. I’d washed the earlier dishes as well. Lunchbox cooked, one of us cleaned.

“Do you want any more?” Alphabet asked as he pushed his chair back. The scrape told me he was done with his breakfast too.

“No,” she said. “I couldn’t eat more. It was very good, Lunchbox. Thank you.”