But I pay them no heed, firing my arc blaster against the wall with repeated blasts. Watching in satisfaction as the black and gold surface warps and melts under the incredible heat until an exit is forged with searing intensity. Beyond is a stairwell, a lifeline, a blessing from the Gods.
Yet my efforts have spent what precious time I had, as bullets ping off my armor, the force jolting me forward. I let the momentum carry me as I hurtle like a venefex clambering up the steps, wondering how many of these ‘Gorgons Wrath’ are pursuing me. Whatever the answer, my best option is to find Noroth and Logarn amidst the chaos, to even the odds. The thought drives me on as the bullets and orbs snap and vibrate behind me, warping and bending the very structure of my surroundings.
Upon cresting the stairwell to the next floor, I dart towards the door, kicking it open with such brutal force it crumbles beneath my strength. Before me stretches the yawning chasm of the lift shaft, like a gaping maw hungry for unwary prey. But mysuperior speed has brought me enough time to navigate through the hazardous edges.
As I near the lift door, it slides open of its own accord. Without hesitation, I leap through the opening, glad to leave the yawning void behind me. But before I can gather my bearings, the sight of four unsuspecting Gorglaxians stalking towards the room adjacent mine ignites my primal instinct within.
I charge towards them with my fangs bared, activating my arc claws that hum with molten lethality, savoring the thought of rendering them with the personal touch. My Gorglaxian prey turns, his eyes widening only to witness his imminent death as I plunge my four-foot-long plasma claws straight through his chest. His futile gravitational personal shield offers no defense at such close range.
Before my first victim has even registered his own death, my Rush fueled blood propels me forward as time slows to a crawl, bending to my murderous desire. I lunge towards the second Gorglaxian who is slow to turn, too slow for life. An expression of horror twisting his dropping face as I thrust my blue molten claws under his chin, shearing many of his tentacles and penetrating through his skull, as the sizzling sound and the smell of scorching hot flesh caresses my senses.
Yet I cannot stop to savor my artistry as two more patient prey await their demise. The third Gorglaxian raises his automatic gun toward me, his face tentacles floating through the air in a languid motion. I snarl, slashing my arc claws, which cut and burn with unstoppable heat, humming with a promise of death. A promise fulfilled as the Gorglaxian is sliced into molten pieces across his chest.
I push myself through his falling remains, my muscles bulging and rippling in my primal urge to kill. The fourth Gorglaxian, further away from the others, takes aim with his graviton rifle, an expression of shock and horror etched on his face.
Bounding down the corridor, I realize I won’t reach him in time, as I activate my arc shield in desperation, unsure if it’s recharged from absorbing the laser beam earlier.Void, I hope it works!It hums and flickers to life, my salvation, as I brace myself behind the large rectangular shield. Just in time.
Black orbs of immense gravitational force fly towards me, vibrating with raw power. They impact my blue shimmering shield, a jarring force pushes against me, but in an instant shift to pulling with an enormous force. With teeth clenched and veins standing out from taut muscles, I resist, as my blue shield twists and bends being warped and twisted towards the floating orbs of reality bending power.
With a roar of defiance, I tear myself free from the gravitational grip, the air crackling with energy as the Gorglaxian unleashes another barrage, seeking to press his advantage. My frantic, titanic force carries me crashing to the ground with a jolting thud.
As the Gorglaxian levels his weapon at me, narrowing his runny eyes, a look of finality gripping my heart, as I brace myself to meet my ancestors.
Will my bond with Tyrxie torment me in the afterlife?
Chapter 19
Paradise lost
Atransparent shimming hazecatches my eyes. In an instant, four plasma claws burst through the chest of my worthy opponent, rending him to sizzling pieces of gore. An agonized expression of shock is forever frozen on his floppy face as his lifeless body crumples to the ground. The cloaked figure of Logarn flickers back to visibility, his timing a perfect intervention filling me with relief.
As I rise to my feet, Logarn stands unwavering, his youthful features now masked by his warvisor, giving him a fearsome appearance. Hope floods through me at the sight of his functional warvisor, confirmation perhaps that only mine has been stolen.
“Thank you, brother,” I murmur, still shaking as the Rush surges through my veins. “I feared I was about to join the ancestors. Come, let’s find Noroth. He must be sleeping like a borack to have missed all this chaos,” I mock, gesturing towards the brutal scene of carnage and death.
Logarn only nods in response, his expression no doubt as blank as his warvisor. Thankfully, his stealthy flank attack on my opponent wasn’t enough to awaken his psychotic rage.
We turn our attention to the neighboring quarters. I press my ear against the door, the sounds of screams and grunts echoing through the material. With a growing sense of urgency, I kick, shattering the doorway to pieces, fearing my friend is under attack. Revealing a different horror than I expected.
Noroth grunts as he thrusts his thick cock into the moaning Love Shanks as she is bent beneath him on the bed. Both are stark naked except for Noroth’s polymer bandages and straps, their bodies glistening with effort. But they are not alone. Vespa the Glaseroid with her exoskeleton exposed clutches onto Noroth’s back, writhing and skittering her limbs over his chest. The disturbing scene leaves me speechless.
“Did you come to witness a true warrior mating?” Noroth mocks with a smile, still with merciless force pounding Love Shanks, who has her head buried into the sheets, and hands clutching on with desperation.I should be the one enjoying her passions!
“Um...” I struggle to find my voice amidst the shock of the scene before me until finally I compose myself. “We’re under attack. Those treacherous bastards, Triandale and Felacia, mean to reenact the Gorglaxian Conquest,” I gesture towards his war gear, resting near the bed. “Arm yourself and check your warvisor is intact. Mine was stolen and replaced with a forgery,” I spit the words out like a curse.
Noroth’s eyes dilate in surprise. “They dare commit such sacrilege?” he sneers as he extracts himself from the panting Love Shanks, who sighs in exasperation. “Voiding Gorglaxians, you can never trust them,” he adds while donning his armor.
Love Shanks and Vespa scurry to cover themselves beneath the bedcovers. Both look haggard, their eyes wide in disbelief. “I knew I wasn’t the only male for you,” I state with a smile, studying the Tuskarian companion. “It’s like I said... you’re a beautiful liar.”
She returns a soft chuckle followed by a gentle smile on her lips. “Just a liar,” Love Shanks retorts, her tone carrying a hint of sadness.
But before I can reply, the faint sound of the lift arriving reaches my ears. “I doubt that’s room service. Stay here until it’s safe,” I gesture towards Love Shanks and Vespa, before turning to exit the room, followed by my two companions.
Noroth glances down at the fallen, torn apart Gorglaxians near his door, a look of disbelief spreading over his flat face. “They nearly caught you with your pants down,” I grin at him.
Noroth scoffs, “My cock would have been the last thing they ever saw,” he retorts, eliciting a soft laugh from me.