“Oh? And what do you hulking giants want?” Love Shanks asks, her hands already poised over her wrist console projection, ready to order.

“Borack steaks!” Noroth and I chime in unison, our laughter resonating through the booth, drawing bemused glances from the females, only intensifying our humor. “Borack steaks for us, and more of these ales, a lot more. And anything you and Vespa desire,” I clarify after my laughter recedes.

“Done!” Love Shanks exclaims, “It should be here shortly,” she assures us, her gentle smile illuminating her features.

I pull the voluptuous Love Shanks onto my lap, her ample body weightless against my strength and power. She sequels in delighted surprise as I nuzzle along her long neck, inhaling deep. Her clean scent mixing with a fruity perfume tantalizes my senses, but beneath it all, still further, her feminine musk sends tingles down my spine. “I just had one of those naughty thoughts,” I tease, tracing a gentle claw along her thigh, eliciting a delicate moan from lips that delights me.

“Vespa, you might need to change the environment into a cold shower for these two,” Noroth quips with a chuckle.

Before I can respond, a tiny female with dark blue skin peeks into our booth. Her initial uncertainty melts into astonishment. “Void, they’re massive!” she exclaims, bringing a smile to my face.

“Felacia, mind your words and you’re late,” Love Shanks scolds the Nebian female, as I can feel her bristling in my lap.

“My apologies. I got pulled away,” Felacia offers a deep bow, which appears comical considering she is already so tiny. “Weren’t we supposed to meet in the rejuvenating spas?”

“No, we selected intergalactic eatery,” I answer with a hint of amusement. “But come join us, now,” I gesture to the space beside Logarn.

But Felacia hesitates. “Oh... but I reserved a spot for us. Are you sure you won’t change your mind?” The tiny latecomer persists with a stubbornness that would make Felixus proud.

“Felacia,” Love Shanks begins, her voice carrying a tone of stern rebuke. “The guests have already placed their orders. Now sit!” she jabs a finger down, pointing towards an empty seat.

“Fine,” Felacia raises her hands, placating. “Which one is mine, then?” she asks, casting an assessing glance between us Klendathians. I gesture towards Logarn, while thinking he’s made a terrible choice of companion. “The young one? He does have a cute face,” she adds, gazing at Logarn.

Love Shanks shakes her head, swaying her alluring body in a most pleasing way on my lap. “My apologies. She only started today,” she comments, leaning back against me, her wide velvety ears atop her head brushing my face.

As our group converses, the aroma of the approaching food fills the air. We all indulge in the boracks steaks, savoring the welcome reprieve from the disgusting paste substance which passes for food aboard the ship, yet still all agreeing thatthe steaks back on Klendathor reign supreme. Our female companions sample some cuts with delight, although they had only ordered modest nibbles. We drink the weak ale with fervor, with Love Shanks having to reorder for us several times, although it has little effect on us.

Most conversation is between the pairings, as Noroth regales his tiny Vespa with war stories. Each tale seems to send her many limbs fluttering ever more. But he continues with impressive obliviousness. Felacia starts off well, speaking as eager and fast as an arrohawk, but even she succumbs to Logarn’s disinterest and terse replies. For my part, Love Shanks and I have been enjoying our heady banter as I run my hands over her exquisite curves, longing to take her somewhere private.

“I think there’s something wrong with your friend,” Felacia interjects, her small squeaking voice tinged with alarm.

I almost don’t hear her, so intoxicated with the distraction Love Shanks offers me, “Huh? Yeah, he’s just quiet,” I wave a dismissive hand in her direction, not averting my gaze.

Felacia insists, her squeaky voice growing in annoyance. “No, he’s shaking like he might throw up or something.” Her words prompt me to tear my attention away from Love Shanks.

Logarn’s red skin is a little on the pale side, and he has a slight tremble. “Are you well, Logarn? Is the dioxaltor voiding with you?” I inquire, shaking him by the shoulder.

Logarn turns his sunken face towards me. “I require the restroom... urgently,” he states, before springing from his seat and walking with a noticeable stiffness, which may be the closest showing of emotion I’ve seen from the youth.

Noroth erupts into laughter, causing Vespa to recoil. “First warrior down!” he booms, thumping his chest with a fist. “May the ancestors guide you!” he calls out after Logarn in jest.

“Oh, what a shame,” Felacia states with more than a hint of sarcasm as she consults her wrist console. “It’s still early. You sure you don’t want to try the rejuvenating spas?” she suggests, her gaze shifting between Noroth and me.

Her attitude irks me as I study her, noticing a preoccupied nervousness which unsettles me. “You keep insisting we go to this rejuvenating spa. Do you receive a commission to promote them?” I challenge, studying her reaction.

Felacia recoils a bit. “A commission? Oh, no,” she answers, her expression thoughtful. “I simply thought you warriors might like a change of scenery.”

Yet she only suggests the rejuvenating spas...But before I can inquire further, Love Shanks strokes my face with a tender hand, her attractive touch diverting my attention away from the Nebian female. “I have a better idea.” She snuggles her head under my chin, her demure eyes glancing upward. “Let’s change the scenery to your private room,” she adds, slipping a hand under my armor, tracing her skillful fingers over my abdominal muscles, searching with delightful greed until stroking my member, eliciting a groan from me as she bites her bottom lip. “You can mate me with your gigantic Klendathian cock... my golden stud,” her whisper a gorgeous promise.

“That’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time,” I grin, seizing her hand, leading us towards the booth’s exit.

“Where in the void are you two going?” Noroth demands, his voice a mixture of both surprise and mischief.

But it’s Love Shanks who answers, “He wants to show me something in his private room,” she replies, her gaze bold as she meets mine.

“We have private rooms?” Noroth queries, scratching his broad face.

“Yes, you each have one,” Vespa answers, her many arms skittering towards me, then Noroth. “Floor seventy-two. Yes?”