“Thank you for choosing... intergalactic eatery,” the excited artificial voice declares. “Now please select from available companions.” It reveals a new list of names. Its artificial voice now, like sweet nectar to my ears.
“Now we are talking!” I exclaim, a surge of anticipation coursing through me.
“Sneaky vipertails, hiding them behind the activities,” Noroth comments, his eyes already scanning the list with greed. As we cycle through the catalogue, each companion presents themselves in a lifelike projection, offering a brief introduction.
A groan escapes me as the holographic display cycles to a humanoid droid named ‘RBX97T,’ emitting a series of unintelligible, annoying beeps as its introduction. Frustrated, I adjust the filters, eliminating droids and males from the list.
The next projection reveals a Glaseroid striking a demure pose dressed in a pink outfit that reveals much... exoskeleton, sending a shiver down my spine. Just as I’m about to dismiss her, Noroth interrupts, raising a hand as he studies the model. “Job and Mod would have a fun time with her,” he remarks with a chuckle.
“I’m sure, but aside from the clothes, I’d have a difficult time telling the three of them apart,” I reply, squinting, attempting to discern any sexual dimorphic features.
“Gods, I’ll probably regret this, but add her to the list,” Noroth requests as he grins like a fool who’s lost a bet.
I stare unblinking at him for a moment, unsure if he’s joking. “You’re serious, you want me to add...” I glance down at the name. “Vespa?”
He nods with vigor, rustling his long red hair. “Yes, I’ve never been with a Glaseroid before and her bio says she likes bigger males,” he explains with a smile.
“Okay,” I scrunch my face, selecting ‘Vespa.’ “I highly doubt she had a Klendathian built like a battlebarge, in mind when shewrote that, but I shouldn’t complain. Not after all the grief I get for my preference in females,” I add with a chuckle.
Noroth joins in my laughter. “Exactly, your choice in females offends the very Gods.”
“You’ve just lost the right to criticize my choice in females, friend,” I retort with mirth.
As I continue to cycle through the list, a Jungarian snags my attention with tawny fur and large breasts. But it’s the eyes that draw me, piercing green that sparkle with sadness. I’ve seen eyes like this before, hidden in shadow, watching me in the dark.Tyrxie, where are you now?
“You surprise me, Xandor. Are you tempted? She is pretty,” Noroth observes, rescuing me from my incessant thoughts of Tyrxie.Why does my mind keep drifting to a female that rejected me with such fervor? Is it wounded pride that compels me?
“Uh... No, no, I just got distracted,” I stammer, trying to recollect my wits as I cycle through the list once again, my mind swirling in a maelstrom of confusion. Until, at last, the projection presents a buxom cream-skinned Tuskarian with four huge breasts and a cute little tusk protruding from her bottom lip. “This is more like it!” I exclaim with enthusiasm.
Without hesitation, I add ‘Love Shanks’ to the list, fueled with anticipation, although Noroth just rolls his eyes with a resigned sigh. “Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all,” I grin, turning my attention towards Logarn, who has sat in complete silence, giving no insight into his preferences or if he even has any desire. “What about you, Logarn? Any females stirring your youthful heart?”
“No, only battle releases me,” Logarn replies. His blank brown eyes stare off into the distance in an unsettling way. His response prompts me to consider if it’s wise to let a female nearhim, his poor companion would have an easier time rousing a rock.
Noroth chimes in, interrupting my thoughts. “Pick one that you find pretty,” he suggests with a nod directed towards Logarn. “Nature will take its course.”
Logarn remains silent, only shifting his eyes with a languid motion to the holographic display. As I resume cycling through the options, I fear he’ll just select the first female, but he does not, offering a glimmer of hope that a true Klendathian remains locked inside him still. “That one,” he commands.
A female Nebian materializes above our table, her squat yet curvaceous form adorned with dark blue skin and cascading orange hair. I can’t help but chuckle at the sight, like a female version of Felixus. “A Nebian?” Noroth exclaims, a smirk playing on his lips. “Perhaps Logarn is onto something, getting practice in for when we reach Nebia?” He suggests, amusing me.
“Are you sure you want... Felacia added to our selection?” I inquire, my finger poised over the Nebian’s name as I glance at Logarn, who nods in affirmation. “Very well,” I announce, confirming the final selection, causing the holographic display to vanish.
“Thank you for choosing... Vespa, Love Shanks, and Felacia. They shall accompany you shortly,” the excited artificial voice interjects. “Your bill comes to two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine credits.”
“That’s extortion!” Noroth exclaims, his expression turning to disbelief.
I wave a dismissive hand at the eye watering amount. “It’s Krogoth’s treat,” I assert, hoping Krogoth doesn’t check the recipes from this little adventure. Noroth relaxes at my words as I swipe my wrist console over the table, beeping in acknowledgement of payment.
“Logarn, your Nebian, Felacia, will be tiny. So...” My voice trails off as I search the containers on my belt for my dioxaltors. “Ah, found it,” I declare in triumph, retrieving the slender tube of chalk white tablets. “Use this to...help the female relax into it,” I explain, handing Logarn a tablet.
“Ha! Poor female, no doubt Logarn is hung like—” Noroth’s jest dies on his lips.
As we both stare wide eyed as Logarn swallows the dioxaltor tablet without hesitation. “You weren’t supposed to take it. The female was!” I shout, unable to conceal my annoyance and shock. “Gods, we may need to take him to a healer,” I suggest rubbing my temples.
Logarn shows no emotion as his eyes meet mine, unaffected. “Quick, Logarn. How many fingers am I holding up?” Noroth grins, extending three fingers.
“Three,” Logarn answers without pause.
“See, he’ll be fine,” Noroth reassures with a nod, giving Logarn a hearty pat on the shoulder.