Page 42 of One Bed

He looked entranced, determined, excited, and she couldn’t believe a man like him – big, bold and, crucially, experienced – could look at her with heat and want and need blazing from his eyes. Just to make sure, she glanced down and saw his huge shaft, upright and proud, weeping a little from the crown. She knew enough to know that he was ready, possibly desperate, to be inside her, but he was willing to put off his orgasm to pleasure her.

He caught her looking and smiled. ‘Yeah, I want you, but I want to do this more,’ he told her, his voice deeper and darker, a growl in the night.

She wished she could be bold and breezy, and tell him to go for it, but only a small, timid ‘OK’ left her lips. What would he do, would he start slow, or just dive on in? Was she supposed to lift her legs, widen her knees …what?God, why hadn’t she read more books on sex? Or picked upCosmomore often?

‘Stop thinking, Bea-darling,’ he told her, coming to lie down beside her on the bed. Despite being in the cottage, the temperature had dropped, and she was grateful for the heat rolling off Gib’s truly excellent body.

Then he kissed her again, hard and hot and demanding, and when he yanked her into him, she wasn’t sure where she started, and he stopped. It was a hot, drugging, kiss, one that lowered the last of her inhibitions and turned her into an aching void needing to be filled. God, she’d had more pleasure in fifteen minutes from him than she’d had from all her previous lovers combined. No, she was not going to spoil this with thoughts of the past or worries about the future. About whether she was doing it right and whether he approved. For once in her life, she was going to live in the moment …thismoment.

Gib kissed her neck, nibbled her collarbone, stroked his hands down her sides and then his mouth latched onto her breast, sucking her nipple to the top of his mouth. A highway of sensation ran from her breast to her belly to that spot between her legs, until she was no longer built of muscle and bone, but of light, colours and sensations.

She opened her eyes when he moved, and she lifted her head to see him edging her knees wide so he could kneel between her calves. His clever mouth ran over her stomach, his tongue dipped into her belly button, and his teeth latched onto her hip. He blew into the hair on her mound, and even that soft movement inched her up a level.

Gib looked down and his fingers gently separated her folds, and she held her breath at the expression on his face … a little reverential, a lot appreciative. And in that moment, she was all the art muses in history, all the great courtesans, the models and the celebs, she was every hot woman who ever existed. Every woman who’d been loved by a man.


Gib ducked his head, and she felt his words on her clit, rolling up her body. ‘My beautiful nymph.’

Nymph or nympho? What did he mean – oh,gawd. Her brain emptied of thought when his tongue lathed her, hitting her spot and causing her to arch her back. His hand clamped around her thighs, keeping her from scooting up the bed as he teased her, using his teeth and his tongue to decimate her control.

‘I’m going to put my fingers inside you, Bea, and you’re going to love it.’

Was she? Really? One broad finger slid into her channel, then another, and she stretched to accommodate him, her muscles welcoming him in by tightening around him. The pad of his finger tapped against a spot deep inside, and she left her body. She became sensation, flipped over into light, and morphed into sound. She was everything and nothing as she climbed higher, pleasure dancing through her veins.

She’d had orgasms before, weak beats easily forgotten, but this was uncharted territory, the pulsation deep within her was something she never knew she wanted, something she’d never imagined.

Bea threaded her fingers through Gib’s thick hair and held his head to her, scared he was going to leave her hanging, leave her out on a ledge with nowhere to go. ‘I’ve got you Bea-baby,’ he murmured.

He did something with his teeth and tongue, his fingers and his thumb, and then she fell, tumbling, spinning and gushing and keening in the dark, dark night.

It was heaven, it was hell, she wanted more. Her head thrashed from side to side and from a place far, far away, she felt Gib move up her body, his cock, heavy and hard and hot, between her thighs. Bea gripped his hip and she lifted hers, needing nothing but to feel him slide inside her. She waited, then waited some more.

‘We don’t have a condom,’ Gib told her, with a tortured groan.

‘Fuck,’ she muttered. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’

He rested his head on her forehead. ‘Or, to be accurate, no fuck,’ he muttered.

‘Aren’t men supposed to carry condoms in their wallets or something?’

‘I came to the island to be alone, sex wasn’t on my mind,’ he told her. ‘Are you on birth control because I’m clean?’

She shook her head and heard his low groan. ‘But you can, you know, pull out,’ she told him, desperate for him to complete her.

‘If I get inside you, there’s no fucking way I’m pulling out,’ he told her. He cursed, fluently and loudly and rolled onto his side. He found her hand and wrapped it around his shaft, his eyes slamming shut as she squeezed. ‘This is just going to have to do. For now.’

He showed her how he liked her to touch him, and she rolled her fist up his shaft, closing in on the crown, and it wept over her hand. An impulse had her lifting her hand to her mouth, needing to taste him. His eyes widened as she licked her skin, then glinted.

‘Fuck, that’s hot,’ he muttered.

She wanted another rollicking orgasm, but she’d already had one, so she looked down at his cock. ‘I could, you know…’

‘Give me a blow job?’ he said, finishing her sentence. ‘As much as I would love that, we’ll save that until later. This will do for now.’

He slid his hand between her legs, placed his thumb on her clit and worked his fingers back inside her. His mouth hovered over hers. ‘Tug me harder, and faster.’

She obeyed his order, and his mouth slammed into hers, his tongue repeating the stabbing movement of his fingers down below. She rocked against him, and slid her hand up and down his cock, moving to two hands to give him the maximum amount of contact and pleasure.