‘I want to drop to my knees and prostrate myself before Golly for manipulating us into sharing that bed,’ he told her.
She laughed, and the sound rushed through him, hot and bright. ‘Please,pleasedon’t. She already thinks she’s ridiculously brilliant and needs no encouragement.’
She pushed her tongue into her cheek, her expression mischievous. ‘Shall we head back to the cottage and do that again, but in a bed?’
Along with the invention of the wheel, contraceptives, the internet and email, that sounded like the best idea ever.
They didn’t make it back to watch the fireworks.
The next morning, hung over from sex – and the bottle of champagne they’d shared when they got back to the cottage –and still in bed, Bea placed a video call to Cass, who immediately answered. Bea could see she was in the courtyard, helping the cleaning staff clear the tables and pack away unused glasses.
‘Thank you for a marvellous, marvellous evening.’
Cass, looking exhausted, grinned at her. ‘It was good,right?’
Cass was normally so self-confident, and Bea smiled at her need for reassurance. Didn’t everyone need to be praised now and again?Shecertainly did. ‘It was truly brilliant, Cass.’
She should get up and go and give Cass and Nadia a hand, she was sure they could use the help, but this bed was super comfortable, and she was hoping Gib would bring her a cup of coffee.
As if hearing her mental SOS, he appeared in the doorway, a mug in his hand. Oh, bliss. She took the cup and his quick kiss, and he pulled back to look at Cassie. ‘You and Nadia did a fantastic job, Cass. Maybe we can talk about you catering some of the Caddell International functions in the future. Are you and Nadia prepared to travel?’
Joy flashed across her face. ‘Anytime and anywhere.’ Cass nodded enthusiastically. Bea smiled when she saw the heat in Cass’s cheeks. She was chuffed by his compliment, and she had a right to be.
Telling Cass to hold on, she looked up at Gib, who looked far too fine for someone who’d had so little sleep. He wore chino shorts, an open neck shirt and trainers. She pouted, she’d been hoping he’d come back to bed. Gib’s grin suggested that he knew what she was thinking, and he told her he was on his own video call and would be done soon.Yay.Bea lifted her mug to her lips. How wonderful it was to be in Santorini on a warm, stunning autumn day, surrounded by people she loved. And a man she liked a lot and, if she wasn’t careful, could come to love…
Bea looked down into her mug, blindsided by her thoughts. Why was she going there? She knew there couldn’t be anything between her and Gib! They lived on separate continents, and he had a life in Nashville and hers was in London.
And let’s not forget that he didn’t want more from her. This was just a fling, a step out of time. So why was she even letting her mind drift off into uncharted waters?
He had no part to play in her future. And after their sojourn in Santorini was over, she wouldn’t see him again. Her heart sank at the thought.
Bea remembered Cass was still on the phone, and she spent the next five minutes catching up on last night’s highlights – which included the psychic hooking up with one of the fire dancers. The amount of booze the guests drank was staggering, and the bill would match the GDP of a small country. Cass said Nadia was making breakfast, and did she and Gib want to wander up?
Bea said they might or might not, she needed to shower and see what Gib’s plans were.
After her shower, Bea pulled on a pair of lacy briefs, and Gib’s shirt from last night, held together with a single button. She didn’t want to get dressed, she wanted Gib to get undressed.
Feeling buoyant, and self-confident, she walked into the lounge and saw him sitting at her desk on the deck, his back to her. His shirt was tight against his wide back, his head bent.
No sounds emanated from his laptop … which meant he must be done with his call.Excellent.They only had a week left, and she wanted all his attention on her. Opening the button holding his shirt together, she walked up to him and plastered her bare chest against his back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
She bit his ear gently. ‘I’m suffering from you-in-me withdrawal symptoms,’ she said, sliding around to his front and onto his lap. She picked up his hand and put it on her bare breast. ‘Want to stop working and do me instead? And afterwards, we can go down to the villa. Nadia is making pancakes. Ilovepancakes.’
Bea heard muffled laughter, then a snort and a cough, neither sound emanating from Gib. Simultaneously hot and cold, an odd sensation, she turned her head and looked at his laptop … and into the face of a blond man, his jaw heavy with stubble, dark blue eyes fixed on a point above his laptop camera.
Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. She’d just flashed Gib’s literary agent cousin.
Gib pulled his shirt closed. ‘I thought you were done, nobody was talking,’ Bea shout-whispered, her face on fire.
Laughter rumbled through Gib. ‘Navy has a law degree and is trying to help me decipher some legalese for a deal we are about to sign. Unfortunately, it’s not something that can wait until I get back to the office. We were concentrating, that’s why we were quiet.
‘Bea, Navy. Navy, Bea,’ he added.
‘Hey, Bea. It’s nice to meet you.’