Our guest sighed. “Unfortunately, his intentions are much more mundane. He is curious to know what sort of game you have around here for him to hunt.”
“I will import game if that will distract him,” Will promised.
Allard chuckled as he drew his hand back. “Then I look forward to flocks rising from the bushes like flies from a fresh pile of dung. In the meantime, I will finish cleaning the travel dust off myself and see myself fit to take a watch over your lovely bride.”
“I would rather watch over her myself for a while,” Will insisted.
The lord was unvexed as he bowed his head. “Very well. Then I will see you both in a short while.” And with that pronouncement he left.
Will turned to me and I shrugged. “I guess we’re both getting what we want.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “How so?”
I grinned. “You get to keep me nearby and if there’s any trouble you won’t be in it without me.”
Will sighed and resumed his seat on the side of the bed. “So it appears.”
I set my hand over his and looked into his eyes. “It’ll be okay. I mean, we’ve faced an ancient monster and won. How much worse could it get?”
Famous last words.
Chapter Four
Raines left to attend to his chores and the two of us waited with baited breath for our guests to finish their preening. After a time the door opened and Raines made his reappearance. “They are ready for their tour, My Lord.”
Will stood and nodded. “Tell them we’ll be down forthwith.” Raines bowed his head and shut the door.
Will turned to me and offered me his hands. “Ready?”
I snorted and set my hands in his palms. “More ready than you.” He helped me stand but I tripped over my own feet and fell against him. I sheepishly smiled up at him as his eyes twinkled with mischief.
“You were saying?” he wondered.
I dropped my gaze and plucked at the collar of his shirt. “I was just saying that you don’t have to worry. You’re always there when I stumble and I’ll be ready to catch you when you need me to.”
Will leaned down and pressed our lips together in a gentle kiss. Still, I was left breathless by the sign of affection as he drew away. “I know. All my worry is that you will let your curiosity lead you away from me.”
I grinned. “I’ll make sure to keep it in check, at least while we have company.”
“And after?” he wondered.
I wagged my eyebrows at him. “Well, after that I’ll be the only thing you have to worry about, so I’ll keep you on your toes.”
He wrapped an arm around my back and drew me against his side. “Then I’ll be sure to keep an eye on you and more afterward. Now let us see how we can entertain our guests.”
We exited our bedroom and joined the others down in the foyer. I couldn’t help but remember the first time I’d stumbled through those two doors searching for help. It turned out that I’d found the right place, even if I hadn’t known it at the time.
Lord Ware was dressed in rough attire with coarse pants and a heavy jacket. He carried a sword on his hip and a hungry look in his eyes. “Your servant tells me you have quite a bit of game on your lands.”
Will nodded. “Enough to satisfy me ad any friends who come calling.”
Ware puffed out his ample chest. “Then I will take that as an invitation to make use of my hunting prowess and bag myself some of your fine birds.”
Lady Vastag rolled her eyes. She was dressed in a casual if old-fashioned flowery dress and a wide-brimmed hat adorned her head. The lady held her purse in her hand and heels adorned her feet. She looked the epitome of a woman about to go out on the town.
Will examined her and cleared his throat. “Perhaps you would like to sit on one of the balconies overlooking the forest and see the sights from there, Lady Vastag?”
She sniffed the air. “You forget to whom you are speaking, Lord Thorn, or have you forgotten the great battle over the fallen capital of Edimien?”