“You have no such sentimentality?” Allard wondered as he came up to her other side.
She looked him over. “I just don’t like all that mushy stuff, now let’s go see some fireworks.”
We had almost reached the door when a loud knock came from outside.
Chapter Thirty-Two
We all froze and stared at the entrance. Raines took up his responsibility and strolled over to the door where he peeked through the peephole. He studied the other side for a moment before he grasped the handle and opened the door.
Two shadowy figures were revealed to us, their silhouettes stark outlines in front of the starry sky.
Enna straightened before she marched toward them. “You fools! What took you?”
“What took us?” Blake countered as the men stepped into the light, revealing themselves to be Enna’s partners. “Were we supposed to be here?”
She reached them and waved her hand in the air. “Didn’t you see the huge column of fire hours ago?”
Saber bobbed his head. “We saw it but we figured the dragons were having some fun with each other.”
Enna rolled her eyes. “That was a signal for you two to return!”
Blake scratched the top of his head. “We thought that bright light a while back was the signal.”
“Besides, we needed to come back and tell you we have the girl,” Saber added.
Enna put her hands on her hips and inspected the pair. “Then where is she?”
“We don’t have her with us but we have her in our sights and know where she’s been staying,” Blake informed us.
“Then why have you not caught her yet?” Ware questioned them.
Saber frowned at him. “Because it isn’t easy sneaking up on her. She’s got good hearing and a good nose, too. We tried following her once and she gave us the slip when she heard our feet.”
Enna slapped his arm. “Then don’t let her hear you, you idiot!”
He rubbed his limb and glared at her. “I told you, it isn’t easy! She has good hearing! Some of the best I’ve seen!”
Enna rolled her eyes. “If you’re not up to the job then I’ll do it.”
“I think we should all join in on this hunt,” Will spoke up as he looked about the foyer at our many companions. “That is if everyone agrees to help.”
Ware nodded. “I want to see this sharp hearing.”
Vargas folded her arms over her chest and lifted her nose. “I want to know how this little brat managed to escape us last time.”
Allard’s attention fell on me. “Are you up to the task of protecting us?”
“She will be our last line of defense against anyone infected by the curse,” Will spoke up as he looped an arm around my waist. He held up his free hand and a fireball burst out of his palm. “We shall take care of any other dangers.”
The dragon lords grimly nodded and all eyes fell on the two men. Enna waved her hand toward the woods. “Well? Lead the way!”
“Or should we fly?” Vargas suggested.
Blake shook his head. “No need. The girl never goes more than a couple of miles from the house. We’ll be there in less than an hour.”
The pair led us out of the safety of the house and into the dark woods. Will and the others lit the way with their fire so the hunters could find their way. I made to loose my sword for more light but Will grasped my arm and pulled it down.
“Save your strength,” he advised me. The grim determination in his voice chilled my blood and I pressed my fisted hand against my chest.