“More so. His body was completely obliterated,” Will assured him.
Doubt nagged at my mind. “But what if we didn’t?”
“Then I wonder why he didn’t take his revenge while we remained in Mirum,” Will pointed out. “He had an extensive knowledge of curses and poisons, and yet he waits this long and uses a tailor of all people to do his bidding.” Will closed his eyes and shook his head. “No, I believe he met his end during our confrontation.”
“Then perhaps another who knew him?” Ware suggested.
“Whoever that could be is anyone’s guess,” Will replied as he grasped my hand tightly in his. “And that makes it all the more important that we should remain inside, at least for the time being. The curse may be capable of infecting anyone.”
Vargas’ eyes widened. “Even dragons?”
Will met her gaze with a look of warning in his eyes. “I would rather not find out.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Shall we continue our scouting in the woods, My Lord?” Slechtic squeaked up. More than one Tenky had an apprehensive look on their face.
Will shook his head. “I would rather you not. Now that we know it is capable of infecting others it would be too dangerous to be on the forest floor where the worms lurk. Did you ever find your missing member?”
A dark shadow fell on the Tenky lord’s brow and he shook his head. “No, My Lord. He’s still missing.”
“All the more important that you should bring the rest of your people together and use the eagle to search,” Will insisted.
Sir Slechtic saluted him. “Very well then! We will return to the eagle and search from the sky!” He turned to his followers and pointed at the driveway. “To the road and the eagle, men!” The Tenky were only too happy to obey and they drove off to reconnoiter with the bird.
“You fear the lost Tenky and others may fall under the spell of this shadow?” Ware guessed.
Will nodded. “I do.”
“Then what about Blake and Saber?” Enna spoke up as she jerked her head over her shoulder in the direction of the woods. “They’re still out there looking for that girl.”
“Can you reach them in some way to warn them of this new danger?” Will inquired.
She squinted up at the sky. “Not until night. I can send up a signal then that would be bright enough for them to see for miles.”
“What if I were to send up a flare with my magic?” Will offered.
She shrugged. “It might get their attention or they’ll just think you’re playing around. Either way, it’s worth a try.”
Will lifted his hand and a huge column of fire burst upward. Ware and Vargas gawked at the display as the fire grew in height until it seemed to touch the heavens. Will closed his hand and the column shattered, sending whistling sparks in all directions. The embers died out before they struck the forest canopy.
“What power!” Vargas murmured.
Ware nodded. “The like I have not seen in many years.” His curious eyes fell on me. “Perhaps it has something to do with his close connection to his unique mate.”
“Unique?” Enna repeated with a raised eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
“It means you need to protect her all the more for it,” Will reminded her as he lowered his arm and turned to my bodyguard.
Enna scoffed. “I’d protect her if she was the least important person in the world. After all, I made a promise and I intend to earn that bag you gave me.”
“Are you coming inside or not?” Ware called from the doorway.
We only too gladly joined him inside but the mood was stifling. I felt like a prisoner trapped in those walls with others who were equally uncomfortable. The shadow of the threat hung heavy over our group as Raines shut the door behind the last of us.
Allard came down from upstairs with a grim expression on his face. My heart dropped into my stomach but he offered me a faint smile. “I assure you our ‘friend’ is in no danger of dying.”
“Then what is the matter?” Ware questioned him. “Are there lingering side-effects to his strange possession?”