Vargas noticed, too, and looked over the scholarly dragon lord. “How have you maintained such cleanliness while the others are absolutely filthy?”
Allard’s eyes twinkled. “A matter of location, My Lady.”
Ware cast a dark look at his companion as he scoffed. “He hid behind the barn with the farmer.”
Enna let out a loud cackle. “Now that’s a smart dragon there!”
Allard smiled at her and bowed his head. “Thank you, My Lady. Your words are very kind.”
Enna wrinkled her nose. “Don’t go using flattery on me, dragon. It won’t work.”
Allard lifted his head and his eyes twinkled at her. “My sincerest apologies. I will have to inquire further about what pleases and displeases you.”
The tough-as-nails hunter’s cheeks reddened and she stammered out a reply. “W-why the hell would you want to do that?”
He wagged his eyebrows. “Perhaps I will tell you later.”
Ware cleared his throat. “Yes, well, we have returned and with stomachs slightly empty from the endeavor. Is there anything in the house we might eat?”
Vargas grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the stairs. “Of course, you old fool, but not before you have cleaned yourself of that filth!”
I looked over Will with a mischievous smile. “You could do with some cleaning, too.”
He grinned. “Will you help me?”
I snorted and swatted his arm. “Come on.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
Within a half hour, we found ourselves all cleaned and seated at the table with some more pleased than others. Enna sat between Allard and Ware who was seated at the foot of the table. The men munched on their food while we women watched and Raines served them.
“Did you discover anything while out there blowing up the earth?” Vargas inquired.
Ware was the first to swallow and his grim face was enough of a reply. “We found more rotten hay in the barns.”
I turned my face to Will. “The worms?”
He nodded. “Undoubtedly.”
“Did you find them in every barn?” Vargas asked them.
Ware shook his head. “No, but why does that matter?”
She frowned at him. “It matters a great deal. Attacking everyone under the protection of Lord Thorn is one thing. Attacking only a few is quite another. That hints that the attacks are targeting a particular people and if we find the reason we may well find the culprit.”
Allard leaned back and cupped his chin in his head. “Now that you mention it, the farms that had the rotten hay are owned by those most loyal to Lord Thorn. At least, they were most eager and welcoming to us when we arrived to help.”
A dark cloud settled on Will’s brow as he nodded. “That is true. Those families have been very loyal to me for generations.”
A thought struck me. “Was there any sign of that one guy around? That Wrecan fellow?”
“No, though the people spoke of him often,” Allard told me.
Ware scoffed. “And some in better words than others. He seems to leave when trouble stirs, or so some rumors proclaim.”
“Did you not try to find this scoundrel and drag him here for us to speak with him?” Vargas scolded them.
Ware frowned back at her. “We did make such an attempt but he was not to be found in his rooms nor was he on any of the roads nor at the farms.”