Page 40 of Dragon Heir

A sigh escaped me and I set my hand on his chest where I toyed with a loose string on his shirt. “I wish you could tell me who keeps ‘gifting’ us with those ugly worms.”

Will’s good humor faded a little and he rubbed my lower back with one hand. “Your protection is my greatest concern right now. Once I have secured that I can focus all my attention on finding the culprit that bottled the darkness.”

I tapped my finger against his nose. “We can focus all our attention on finding them.”

He wrapped his hand around mine and pressed a light kiss to the tips of my fingers. “I wish you would remain indoors, at least for that reason.” He pointedly dropped his gaze to my stomach. I furrowed my brow as I set my free hand on my midsection. Will tensed. “Is something wrong?”

I shrugged. “I. . .I guess I expected to feel a little different after learning about, well, you know.”


I closed my eyes and shook my head. “But I don’t. I feel even more normal than before Allard told me what was going on. It’s like-” I paused and bit my lower lip.

Will’s worried eyes searched my face and some of the color had gone from his cheeks. “Like what?”

I sighed and my shoulders slumped. “It’s like it’s not even there anymore.” A quiver slipped into my last words and unbidden tears sprang into my eyes. I looked up at Will who’s own face reflected my fear. “Do you think Allard is wrong? Or that. . .or that something happened-” My breath caught in my throat as a thought struck me and my legs buckled.

“Rose!” Will shouted as he caught me. He practically carried me over to my chair and set me down where he knelt in front of me. “What’s wrong?”

I clasped one of his hands in both of my shaking ones and a tear ran down my cheek. “What if. . .what if my magic that protected me in the bed. . .what if I killed our child?”

Terror passed through his eyes before he stiffened his jaw and shook his head. “No.”

“But how can you be so sure?” I challenged him.

He set his hand over mine and looked me in the eyes. Their soothing depths calmed my frantic mind, at least a little. “Because I know you and your magic is an extension of yourself. You could never harm anyone who didn’t deserve it, much less our child.”

I sniffled. “Then is there something else wrong? Or am I just overreacting?”

Will grinned. “I would say overreacting is the typical response for someone in your condition.”

My mouth dropped open. “What do you mean by that?”

Will burst into laughter and the sound alone wiped away most of my tears. His thumb did the rest as he brushed his digit against my cheeks. “I mean to say that you should experience some rather turbulent emotions.” He grasped my hands again and smiled up at me. “I look forward to our bouts.”

I turned my face away and wrinkled my nose. “Yeah, well, I don’t.”

He chuckled as he stood, lifting me to my feet as he did so. “Shall we commence one right now?”

I swatted his arm. “No. I’m supposed to be deciding my babysitter, remember?”

“You could have both,” he suggested with that suspicious twinkle in his eye.

I snorted. “I would definitely get a show with that but I think I’ll stick with Enna. She has more experience guarding me and it gets me off kitchen duty.”

“Speaking of the kitchen, you haven’t had breakfast,” he reminded me as he guided me toward the door. “We should remedy that right now.”

I was only too glad to follow him and we discovered Enna in the dining room. A few used plates sat at empty spots at the end occupied by our guests. Enna herself was seated in Will’s chair and was using his plate to make a pile of food. She looked up at our coming and lifted a bottle by the neck. A wine bottle.

“Care for some?” she asked us as she poured herself a liberal glass.

Will looked both amused and irritated as he led me over to our new guest. “Do you plan on taking up your new position tomorrow?”

Enna grinned up at him, showing off a couple of bits of food stuck between her teeth. “Nope, today. I just thought I’d get some food and drink in me before my duties half-starved me. Besides-” She took up the glass and downed the entire contents, “-I work better this way.”

“I hope so. . .” I murmured.

She shot me a sharp look. “I heard that. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’ll keep mine and we’ll get through this without anybody getting hurt.” She poured herself another glass and raised it to us with a wicked smile on her lips. “Anybody who doesn’t deserve it.”