Page 36 of Dragon Heir

I was surprised to hear the sound of wagon wheels on the road. They led up to the house and stopped. I hurried over to the driveway-facing windows and peeked out. An aged covered wagon rolled up to the house and parked. My mouth dropped open when I recognized the driver. It was none other than one of the rangers who had kidnapped me. The other male ranger sat beside him and both glanced at the house with some trepidation.

The rear flap of the wagon was flung open and Enna their leader hopped out. She sauntered around the side and joined the men at the base of the box. The men let her lead them to the door where she loudly rapped on the entrance.

I hurried out into the hall and leaned over the railing. Raines opened the door for them and stepped aside. “You are late.”

“We got here as quickly as we could,” Enna countered as she led them into the hall. She glanced around and her attention fell on me. A crooked smile slipped onto her lips and she bowed her head to me.

I pursed my lips but said nothing as Will appeared from a hall that ran to the back of the house. He used a hand to beckon to them. “Come with me.” His eyes rolled up to me. “I could use you down here, too, Rose.”

I was only too eager to listen in on the conversation that involved my former kidnappers and scurried down the stairs. Will waited for me while the others disappeared into his study. He set a hand on my lower back but didn’t immediately guide me as he looked me over.

“How are you feeling?”

I smiled at him. “Just fine but I’ll feel better when you tell me what’s going on.”

“Only too gladly,” he assured me as he guided me into his study.

“This wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with what you whispered to that eagle, would it?” I inquired.

He smiled down at me. “Of course. I instructed the eagle to pass on a message.”

I’d rarely been in that room but it was mostly cozy. The long curtains over the tall windows were soft and dark red which matched the lush carpets beneath our feet. A little library nook was situated on the left and a hearth stuck out of the exterior wall near the high bookcases. A comfortable chair with an ottoman sat beneath those many high shelves and a half-read book lay open on the small table beside the chair. The only formality in the room was a huge wooden desk situated in front of the windows opposite the door. The behemoth piece of furniture was carved from a few huge slabs of wood and pinned together with perfect fitting and glue. It looked almost as old as Will.

We found our ‘guests’ waiting in front of the desk. The men, whose names I had forgotten, held their hats in their hands and fidgeted with them as they eyed Will with a curious and slightly worried gaze. Enna, on the other hand, stood straight with her chin held high.

“You must be pretty desperate for our help to find us in the far east,” she mused.

Will helped me into a window bench behind his chair and took up his seat in front of the desk. “A girl is missing in my woods.”

Enna lifted an eyebrow. “What’s she doing there?”

Will shook his head. “We won’t know the answer to that question until we catch her.”

Our female guest snorted. “You called us all the way out here because you’re missing a brat?”

“That’s one of the reasons,” Will told her as he nodded at me. “The other is to keep an eye on my bride.”

All four of us had shocked looks on our faces. I sputtered out my words. “S-say what? You want them to watch over me?”

Will smiled. “Not all of them. Enna will be enough company for you.”

Enna crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “I don’t do babysitting duties unless I’m hauling them somewhere.”

“Even for a good price?” he countered.

Her determination wavered and she looked me over. “That depends on the price and what I’m supposed to do.”

“Nothing more than what you did last time with her. Watch her and guarantee she doesn’t come to harm.”

The corners of her lips twitched upward. “She won’t be trying to get away from me this time?”

“Only if you’re the one I’m supposed to be getting away from,” I told her.

“And the pay?” Enna inquired.

Will pulled out one of the top drawers and reached into its depths. He drew out a large money bag which he tossed onto the desk. The contents jingled with the sound of cold hard coins, and a lot of them.

Will used a hand to gesture to the bag. “Will this suffice?”