“All I know is the handle was dusted, and mine are already in the system,” he said.
She whirled around on him. “You’ve been arrested before?”
He explained the situation, hoping she believed him. Her opinion of him meant something to him for reasons he didn’t want to examine.
“That’s not good,” she said.
“Travis said the same thing to me earlier.” Folks made up their minds in a matter of seconds, sometimes with very little information to back up their decisions.
It was a hard truth. He could conceivably go to jail for the rest of his life for a crime he didn’t commit.
Conrad’s cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked the screen. The message from Deputy Combs read:Stay where you are. I’ll be back to ask more questions.
Conrad knew exactly what this meant. Someone was coming to arrest him.
No way could he allow that to happen.
Running might make him appear guilty, but it was the only way to ensure he could find the real murderer.
“I have to go,” he said to Nikki.
She studied him.
“Then, I’m going with you.”
“Imean it, Conrad. You’re not leaving here without me.”
Conrad stood there, practically towering over her five-feet-six-inches. The man’s physical presence would be awe-inspiring under different circumstances. “You sure about that? Because you’ll be taking a risk that I’m not sure you fully understand.”
“I’m a second-year law student,” she stated, standing a little straighter. “I have a good handle on what we’re about to do.”
“Then, why? Why would you risk your future for me?”
She fisted her right hand and placed it on her hip. “You think we have time to go into this now?”
He studied her for a long moment before issuing a deep sigh. He stuck his hand out. “Can I see your cell phone?”
Nikki dug around in her handbag for it and produced it a few seconds later.
Conrad fished for his own, then tossed them toward the barn.
“What the hell?” It dawned on her the moment she asked the question. “Never mind.”
“It’s not too late to change your mind,” he said as the sun drifted behind the tree line to the west.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“Follow me,” he said before taking off toward the woods.
Not two steps in, Nikki ran smack into a spiderweb. She let out a yelp before she could suppress it.
Conrad whirled around. “What happened?”
“Spider,” she said as she wildly swiped her hands in the air. She spit as an involuntary shiver rocked her body. “I hate spiders.”
He stopped long enough for her to finish. Then, without another word, took off.