Page 39 of The King

Starting with the deep red polish on her toes, then up her shapely legs that would soon be wrapped around his body, to her soft thighs, Bridgette was nothing short of stunning. Every inch of her begged to be loved over and over and over again.

“Max?” His name on her lips drew his gaze.

“Yes,mi amor?” Crooning his response, he gently massaged her thighs with the calloused tips of his fingers, making sure to brush the outer lips of her pussy with every pass. The torture was pure bliss as his cock jumped in response to the enticing rise and fall of her hips.

“Max…I want… No… I need….” Bridgette panted, her eyes unfocused and her heart racing.

“What is it you need,Mi Eternidad?” He teased, slipping the tip of his index finger inside her wet pussy, loving the way her body worked to pull him farther into the warmth of her body.

Listening to her ragged breathing. Max was in utter awe, watching her head thrashing from side to side as she begged him to continue. Bridgette, in the throes of passion, her head thrown back, her eyes closed tight, her mouth open as she called his name like a prayer to the Heavens, was the most beautiful sight in the world.

"I… Max… Max… I… I love… I love you!” She ended on a wail as he pushed his fingers through her folds and teased her opening as the juices of her arousal wet his hand, flowing down the inside of his wrist.

Contracting around his finger, pulling his digit farther into her warm wet passage, Max added yet another finger before thrusting them in and out, his thumb drawing lazy circles around her swollen clit as his fingers drove her higher. Every few swipes, he bent his fingers in a come-hither motion, letting the tips gently brush the bundle of nerves he knew would drive his Mate wild with pleasure.

Needing to taste her more than he needed his next breath, Max pulled his fingers from her body, answering her moan of loss by driving his tongue into her pussy as far as he could reach. Her taste exploded on his taste buds. Flashes of light burst before his eyes. Everything he was and everything he would ever be was reaffirmed in that one singular second. He was whole for the first time in his life.

Devouring Bridgette like a starving man, he swallowed every drop of her arousal just as quickly as it flowed from her body. The more his tongue moved within her, the more of her essence he drank in, he felt drunk with an all-encompassing love he would only ever feel for his one and only Fated Mate. Legs coming over his shoulders, her thighs closed around his head, making breathing nearly impossible, as he continued to consume all that she was.

Involuntarily tensing, every muscle in her body trembled as Bridgette was swept away on the tidal wave of her orgasm. Wailing his name at the top of her lungs, her voice was the sweetest song he’d ever heard.

Continuing to lick and suck, working his tongue smoothly in and out of her body as she floated back to reality, Max slowly pulled his tongue from her body. Looking up, he was ecstatic to find her smiling a lazy smile, gazing at him through passion-filled eyes. Keeping that exact look on her face for the rest of eternity was the only thought registering in his lust-soaked mind.

Throbbing against his zipper, it was Max's erection that reminded the love-struck King he was still completely dressed. Not wanting to leave his place between her thighs but craving skin-to-skin contact, Max stood in one fluid motion, tore his starched white dress shirt over his head, and stripped out of his pants quicker than the blink of an eye.

Climbing back onto the bed, holding himself above Bridgette, only a few inches separated his lips from hers. Gently sliding his cock into her warm, wet body, he became one with his Mate inch by glorious inch as his body shook with the effort it took to go slow.

Every contraction, every movement, every second that passed pulled him farther into the haven of her body, milked his cock towards its inevitable completion, and begged the King to move faster. But Max resisted. He held tight to his steely resolve. Open-mouthed and panting as sweat coated his chest and ran down his back, he refused to rush the single most blissful moment of his life.

Bridgette was so wet and so ready, her excitement compounded with her every breath as her arousal flowed freely, puddling between them. Finally seated completely within his Mate, Max held utterly still.

Reveling in the feel of his Mate's body wrapped so tightly and perfectly around him, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd lived so long without Bridgette. Watching her face, eyes closed tightly, sweat dotting her upper lip, and her mouth open slightly, he crooned, "Look at me, mi amor. Look at the man, the King, the Panther who will love you with every fiber of his being for all eternity."

Bridgette’s eyes flew open. Max felt the electricity only they could create, sizzling stronger, brighter, more magnificently between them. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held tight as he began to slowly move in and out of her. Meeting one another stroke for stroke, their pace accelerated, turning frenzied, driving them both to the release they so desperately needed. Stars flashed before his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath.

Grabbing his shoulders, Bridgette's manicured nails bit into his skin, her chest crushed to his, and the feel of her pebbled nipples rubbing against his chest created a friction Max had no doubt would set them both ablaze. Shifting his hips, causing his pelvis to bump her clit and the tip of his cock to rub the sensitive bundle of nerves atop her channel with every stroke, he could feel her orgasm building, pushing them both to the peak of something bigger and greater than either one of them had ever imagined. Buried deep inside his Mate, Max felt Bridgette's muscles close tighter still around him until the King was sure they'd become one in body, just as they already were in heart and soul.

“Trust me, my love. Let go and trust me. I've got you. We will always be together, forever," he groaned, thrusting into her so hard and fast that he bumped her cervix, the exquisite sensation undoing them both.

Coming with such force, their bodies shook, and Max fought to stay conscious. He had no clue if the shouting he heard was his or hers or both, and he couldn't care. Watching his exquisite Mate float back to Earth, the King of the Big Cats simply could not resist placing butterfly kisses on her face and neck.

Rolling to his side and taking her with him, Max lovingly placed Bridgette across his body, enjoying that she was boneless and spent, and it was all because of him. A peace he'd never known flowed between them, reassuring him that, above all else, the day would never come when he didn't tell her how very much he loved her.

Hours later, they lay utterly exhausted and blissfully happy. With Bridgette's head on his chest and their legs intertwined as their sweat-soaked bodies cooled from their lovemaking, Max had never been more content. As her hand rubbed tiny circles on his chest, the King felt so loved that he sat up and pulled Bridgette into his lap.

Grabbing his pants off the floor, he pulled a black velvet box from his pocket and handed it to his Mate. Winking as she gasped, he told her, "Open it, Mi Amor. I've been carrying this around since the first time I laid eyes on you."

“But I have nothing for you,” she pouted.

Kissing the tip of her nose, something he would never tire of doing, Max assured, “Oh, my beautiful, beautiful love, you have given me more than I could have ever hoped for. Now, open that box before I do it for you.”

"Okay, okay, Catman Do," she teased. Lifting the lid on the box, she gasped, "Oh. My. Goddess! How did you…? Oh, Max, it’s beautiful.”

Taking the princess cut, five-carat Emerald surrounded by diamonds that had belonged to his Abuela from the box, Max slid it onto the ring finger on Bridgette's left hand. Looking deep into her eyes, he pledged, "From now until the end of time, you are mine, and I am yours, Bridgette Morrigan Featherstone-Prentice. One heart, one soul, one love never to be parted here on Earth and in the Heavens."

Tears of pure joy filled her eyes as Bridgette laid her hand on his chest and beamed, “I love you, Max Prentice, truly, deeply, and forever."

Laying her lips on his, his very own Goddess kissed him with a slow, languid sensuality that confirmed with action every word she'd just uttered. Pulling back while he could, Max asked, "Are you sure you want to wait for our Mating Ceremony? I can have it ready in a matter of hours?”