“Well, shit,”Sophia huffed.“There’s also an invoice here for a hundred Ichneumon – fifty males and fifty females. Looks like Pandora planned to breed the little beasties.”
“Makes sense,”Julian chimed in.“If it can take down one of the most powerful among us,who knows what it can do. And based on everything we just learned, who, other than us, has intimate knowledge of the power of those things and the threat they pose? And who would use them to the detriment of others?"
“The O’Baoill family,”Juan Carlos growled.
“And the Golden Panther gets it in one,”Julian sarcastically whooped.
“And that’s not all,”Sophia chimed in.“Less than a year later, some of the most sophisticated and cutting-edge medical equipment was ordered and then delivered to latitude and longitude coordinates – not an address.”
“And those coordinates lead us to a stretch of uninhabited sand in the middle of the land purchased in the Chihuahuan Desert by one of Pandora O’Baoill’s shadow companies,”Declan added.
“Well, what are we waiting…”Julian’s words faded just as a section of the far wall in Max’s office blurred, got wavy, and then opened. Stepping out of the vortex he had created without an invitation or asking for permission, the Bengal Tiger winked and waved. “…for? Hey! I’m here. And thanks for not reinforcing any of the wards around this place against my special brand of Magic. It would’ve seriously sucked to get turned into a spot of goo on your expensive antique rugs or blown into a million pieces and left to float around in the Ether forever and always.”
“Well, you could’ve just said you were coming,” Sophia sighed, giving the Tiger a side-eyed glare.
“Now, what fun would that have been?”
"Enough children," Max interjected, just barely tempering the rage bubbling under the surface. He knew everyone was stressed, and the banter was good to relieve that stress, but he couldn't ignore the ticking of the clock in his heart and soul demanding that he get to Bridgette as soon as possible.
With all eyes gazing in his direction, the King met each one before slowly nodding. “Stay focused. We’re not there yet.”
“But what more…?”
Julian's question was cut off as the air in and around La Palacio de Gato Grande, the Palace at the center of La Pantera Pride Lands and the home of the Prentice Panthers for centuries, filled with Magic of all origins. His skin tingled. The hair all over his body stood on end. Someone was coming.
Then Casimiro triumphantly growled,“They’re here!”
The whoosh of wings, the beat of thundering paws, and the scent of the Enchantment that kept the world spinning had both the King and the Panther with whom he shared his soul ready for the hunt. Appearing out of the fabric of the Universe, Max met the gaze of Creed, the Leader of the Almighty Paladins and one of Max's oldest and best friends, and his Mate, Alexandra, The Morrigan's own Assassin, theSìthiche Dubh.
After a single nod of appreciation, he moved counterclockwise, looking around the large sitting area at the front of his office. There stood not only Declan, who had been invaluable thus far, but Rory, the youngest of the O'Riordan brothers, and his Mate, Claire, the Matriarch of the Clan of the Sun, the one and only Phoenix Shifter in the world, a Demi-Goddess, and Bridgette's cousin or half-sister depending on who you spoke to.
Another grateful gesture, and Max stepped back just enough to see everyone in attendance. "Thank you so very much, my friends. I will never be able…."
“No thanks necessary, Old Man,” Creed interrupted with a reassuring smile and an outstretched hand as he stepped forward. “There is no place we’d rather be.”
Shaking the Paladin's hand, Max pulled him into a hug. Slapping him on the back, the King stepped away. "You have my eternal gratitude, but I must ask, how did you all get here so quickly? I know…"
"Creed opened a portal for me, Rory, and Claire, as we were all together when I called him with an update," Declan deadpanned. Moving on with the precision and directness the King had come to expect, he continued, "I have the coordinates and a detailed plan of attack. I am ready to leave when you are."
“Well, before we do that, I have to say, I called Heath and Maggie like we promised,” Sophia added.
“Thank you,” Max quickly responded. “I had forgotten all about…”
“It’s understandable,” Creed commiserated even before the King could continue.
“Sure is,” Claire agreed. “We all know how important saving your Mate is.”
"I am so sorry," Max apologized, closing the distance to the Phoenix. Holding out his hand and waiting until she'd reciprocated, he went on, "I know how close you and Bridgette are and how much you love her. I should have been the one to tell you what was happening."
Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, she winked. "Don't you dare worry. Dec made sure we were all kept up to speed every step of the way."
“Sure did,” her Mate said as he stepped up to her side, “My brothers and the others are in the Highlands helping Calysta and Maddox locate a missing Witch they believe can help us solve yet another mystery, but never fear." With a cheeky grin, he ran his finger through his brilliant red hair. "I called Rayne and the boys of the Golden Fire Clan. They're on standby. All we have to do is holler, and they'll come runnin'."
"Thank you." Max again could not believe the generosity of the people he thought of as Family. Turning back toward Declan, he motioned toward the desk Sophia was already clearing. "Show us your plan,Mi Amigo. I know you have left nothing out, and your contingencies have contingencies."