Page 21 of The King

And that’s when the pieces fell into place – when she realized two very important things: She wasmost definitely, unequivocally in love with that sexy Panther, and the psychotic doctor who was still ranting and raving at the side of her bed had known it before Ettie did. That bitch had used the fog of the drugs to put a decoy in the Demi-Goddess' path and lure her into a trap.

“Okay, that’s a serious punch to the boob.”

“But sometimes a punch to the boob is what you need to get the show on the road.”

Instantly enveloped in a wonderfully lovely cloud of longing, desire, and yes, love, Ettie thought about the man The Powers That Be had made just for her. Tall and perfectly muscled, he had the most beautiful Emerald eyes, amazing cheekbones, gorgeous salt and pepper hair that felt like silk, and yes, an ass that made the Angels weep. Oh yeah, when the Universe, Mother Nature, the Great Goddess, Destiny, and all the other Powers That Be madeherman, they knew what they were doing.

"And if that wasn't enough, they ensured he had a deep, rumbling voice with a sexy Latin accent that makes your knees weak even when you say it doesn’t.”

“Okay, enough.”

“Not near, but you’re partially right. We don't have time right now. Sounds like Dr. Doofus is winding down, and your tingles are spreading. However, I have a permanent raincheck to razz your ass whenever I choose.”

"Because some things never change."

“We are in position, Dr. O’Baoill,” the sergeant’s voice boomed through the radio.

Without even acknowledging the man, she ordered, "Take us down, Orderly. I am already twenty-two minutes off schedule. That is inexcusable."

“Yes, Dr. O’Baoill.”

The slide of a card into something metal, the pushing of a button, then the loudbingof an elevator announcing its arrival were heard. There was no doubt in her mind that she was about to descend to whatever Level 4 Isolation happened to be.

There was no mistaking the sound of the doors opening. Thankfully, when they moved her bed this time, it was smooth and slow. There was no jerking, even when they stopped.

The minute the doors closed, Ettie felt claustrophobic for the first time in her life. Everyone’s emotions were riding high. The scents, the sounds, the thoughts that were still just squelchy echoes crowded in all around her, but she had to stay focused. She had to listen to everything, including how many floors they passed on the way down.

As usual, the doctor was the first to speak. “And do you know how long it took me to build this amazing facility, Nurse Weatherly?”

“No, doctor. That wasn’t part of the orientation.”

"No, it was not. I just wanted to see if you'd researched me, even though it is against our strict guidelines. Doing so would've resulted in immediate termination. Thankfully, by your quick and unfettered answer, I can tell that you are being completely honest. I like that. Only those I trust are given this information, and you, Greer Weatherly, have proven yourself worthy."

“Oh, brother, this bitch really thinks highly of herself,”Eden grumbled.“Who would want to be worthy of Dr. Death’s attention?”

“More than that,”Ettie scoffed. “Has she forgotten that there are four other people in the elevator? Or are they so insignificant that she doesn’t care?”

“I would go with B.”


"You see, my mother and father never married, even though Tariq was a widower. He never wanted anyone to use that information against him or his cause, or me, for that matter. He even kept my familial relationship from my brother and sister, Adam and Eve. You see, he was always thinking about our welfare. Never wanted anyone to be able to hurt us in any way. Therefore, my true relationship with him was never made public. To anyone who saw us together, I was introduced as his niece. So, as I grew up by his side, I learned everything he learned and started studying to take over the great O'Baoill Empire when he and my older siblings could no longer serve the cause. However, because of this abomination, this Bridgette Featherstone, and her merry band of atrocities, my father, a true man of vision, was taken from me far before his time."

“I am so very sorry for your loss, Dr. O’Baoill.”

“Call me Pandora, please. I feel a kinship with you I haven’t felt with another person since losing my father.”

“You have got to be kidding me,”Ettie spat,“That crazy SOB named her after our poor Pandora. Just another blow to our misunderstood friend. I bet Tariq planned for his youngest daughter to open his own special box of atrocities and unleash it on all of us, but he told her what would happen, and she was thrilled for the chance – unlike Pandora and her dad. Dammit, I really hate when the bad guys play with irony.”

“I’m right there with you,”Eden agreed.“But you have to pay attention. We’re gonna need all the ammunition we can get very soon.”

"It was the hardest thing I had ever been through. Then, before I could make contact with my brother and sister, explain who I was, and help them continue Father's work, the same repugnant slime also murdered them."

“I am so very sorry. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”

"Thank you. It means a lot to me to be able to share my story with someone whose beliefs align with my own."

There was a brief pause that made Ettie wonder what the doctor was up to. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long.