
Feeling my own spine arch so hard, it fractures. Elyon stifles yet another scream with his hand. My eyes haze with tears. My body's violent reactions to new information are unbearable.

"I wonder what Xavier thinks right now," Elyon whispers, his lips inches away from my ear. "Do you think he is crouched in that cell now, wondering why every thought he is having is causing him pain? How long do you think he can handle being in the very position you are in now-"

Forcing my gnarled hand forward, my Hold shoves the man back. My teeth sink into his wrist before he can stumble to the floor. Clamping down as hard as I can, his blood fills my mouth, every part of me going into hyperdrive at the feeling of one of the richest bloods grazing across my tongue. Taking several large gulps, the pain in my back subsides. The wounds quickly heal. My mouth hungrily devours until he has delivered me a harsh slap across the face.

Winnowing before he can get a grasp on me again, every thought I embrace is a mix of truth and a facade. Inklings of reality bleed into my very existence.

Looking at the man now, I see that it's not just Elyon.

I know you.

And you know me.

This whole time.

This whole fucking time you've been here.

Grasping my head, I stare the man down.

"Why the hell is my blood in your desk?"

Observing the nasty bite marks left on his wrist, the wound quickly heals. His head shakes with annoyance.

"There goes Xavier's pain. I was hoping you'd hold off on that long enough for me to utilize your two's little connection a little longer-"

"Who the fuck are you?!" I snap, my consciousness phasing in and out as if I no longer hold the reigns to the face in which I am presenting.

"The Prophet,"my internal voice screams as loud as it possibly can.

"The Prophet!" I scream out, the voice no longer confined to the comforts of my mind.

"There you are, Evermoore!" he yells, each blink phasing me in and out of reality. "Show yourself, please. It has been a pleasure to watch my bind eat you alive."

Shoving back what I can of my other half, I dig my nails into the side of my head, forcing my side of consciousness.

"You're the fucking Prophet," I cry, my throat filled with sobs. "And Fallan-"

"Is using you. Or so he says he is. As much hate as he expresses to me, I know, deep down, some part of his hate has bred a bit of admiration for you."

"Xavier. Oh, my god, Xavier-" I sob, his face becoming much clearer in my mind.

The bonfire.

The cabin.

My sweet Xavier.

"And you left him. You left him to suffer because you were too weak to find a way to stop me. You were too weak to put your duty over your love. Do you know?" he questions, taking a step closer. "Do you know how often he weeps for you? His pillowcases damp from the pain he carries in light of yourabsence. Every day, holding that damn watch, looking at your picture, praying you find a way back to him, while being touched by the man who ensured you'd never see Xavier as anything but a monster," Elyon snaps.

Shaking my head, my legs give out. My heart beats uncomfortably slow.

"Xavier. Xavier. Xavier," I repeat over and over, the name now holding an entirely new meaning.

"Should we listen to his screams together?"
