"We have a war to win."

Dropping the man's wrist, I make my way over to Xavier, letting his arms wrap around me.

Taking turns indulging in the power before them, all three men take a drink.

Waiting until Xavier's turn, Elyon takes a stand beside me, his lip grazing my ear.

"Are you prepared to kill your friends and family like that in order to fight for our side?" he questions silently, my head slowly turning.

"I'm willing to do that," I smile, leaning my head into the man's shoulder. "And so much more."

Running his hand along the top of my head, I feel his lips press to its top, the first genuine sign of care he has shown me in a long time.

"Good," he whispers, grazing his hand beneath my cloak. "I would hate for my grandchild to become collateral damage."

Tensing up, Xavier turns his head, both of us petrified.

"Tread carefully, you two," Elyon smiles. "I am always one step ahead."

Chapter twenty-nine


The silence is driving me mad.

Every second spent waiting for Xavier and my sister to send word is just another second I could have been out looking for her.

Aaron does not trust me.

My friends do not trust me.

Why else would they have left the cabin before I could join them?

The Underground is not meant to be seen by a Blackburn's eyes.

They know my loyalty to her runs deeper than whatever fucked up war camp they have created.

Right now, I am a goddamn sitting duck, just waiting for the worst to happen.

My whole life, I have always felt nothing but useless, bound by my incessive need to do what is right in order to protect the people I love.

Now? I sit in solemn wait, just hoping that Xavier's love for my sister is far greater than whatever influence Elyon might have over both of their minds.

I love Aaron, I really do.

But pretending that I love him more than my sister's well-being is foolish.

I can sit here, wait, and hope to have my sister return home safe.

Or I can fucking do something for once in my life.

I can leave this cabin and find a way to bring her home.

Mason thinks I don't see it, but I know if it came down to it, he would gladly drive a blade in my sister and Elyon's heart and have his Shifter companions finish the job for him.

The only two people truly on my side are now in Elyon's grasp.

No longer will I let the people I love be harmed, while I sit back and hope for the best.