"He still has Marked held here for consumption," I whisper, Fallan's eyes going wide.
"Think that's why Forest brought us here?" Fallan questions, forcing himself to his feet, stretching his arms above his head.
"I don't know anything anymore," I admit, following in his lead. "What I do know is I won't sit here and wait around to see what Elyon needs from us."
Forest told me to follow his rules.
It was her telling me to follow those rules.
What the hell is the bigger picture here?
Hearing the murmur of voices circulate through the space, we both quiet down, gravitating toward the unlocked door.
Swinging it open, the moonlight filters through the large glass windows, a single room filled with light filtering into the hallway.
Tugging my wrists as hard as I can, the binds around them snap free. Tugging on Fallan's binds to let him free, we bothcautiously approach the source of light, his hand grabbing one of the decorative vases, dumping out the wilted flowers.
Silently moving through the hallway, we both make it to the doorway, barely looking inside, catching a glimpse of the roaring fire bringing forth the light.
Seated on a chair, her silver hair is back in multiple braids, her body concealed by a large sweater. Swirling a glass of blood in her hand, Elyon paces back and forth, drinking the same rich liquid, his voice scoffing with annoyance as she watches him.
"It was foolish for me to allow them to come into our home," he seethes, the use of the word home in association with her making my blood boil.
"No need to pout, Elyon," she smirks, taking a long drink from the glass, hesitation clouding her expression. "You know they could be useful to our cause. How else do you plan to flush out the Marked that we have no grasp on?" she questions, narrowing her eyes at the man. "Not to mention, they still have a Shifter on their side, whether he is man or not. You think they will choose to side with us once Mason has dug his pesky little claws into their minds?" she questions, throwing logic at the man.
"Do not lecture me like you do not know where my hesitation has come from," Elyon snaps, getting in her face, Fallan the only thing holding me back. "One of them will be a distraction to you, and we both know it," he hisses, looking the woman up and down. "Are you sure there are no other motivating factors to having him here?" he questions, reaching for her stomach.
"I have told you," she snaps, grabbing his wrist. "If there were anything, it has been dealt with. You yourself saw me take the drink. Nothing would have survived that concoction," she hisses, my heart dropping at the statement.
What the hell did you take, Forest?
"What is she talking about?"Fallan whispers in my mind, my focus anywhere but him.
“The Marked are out of line, unable to be managed. You want power, he is one of our greatest resources, as well as my largest weakness. I'd rather not have the thing that means the most to me running around, I'd rather be able to watch him,” she snaps, holding her weakness in his face.
"And if it ever comes time to cut that weakness off?" Elyon questions, shaking his head.
"Well, that won't be your burden to bear now, will it?" she questions, challenging the man with a flood of defiance.
"You sure it's just him you hold closest now?" Elyon questions, trying to get her to yield, her hand pressing her temple as he tries to force himself into her mind.
"Careful," she hisses, watching as Elyon staggers backward, a painful hiss leaving his mouth. "Do not speak to me as if I am just another thing you have control over," she warns. "You often underestimate what kind of power I hold, Elyon Morgan."
Shaking his head, he looks at his spilled drink, tossing the rest of its contents into the fire.
"I don't underestimate anything, Forest."
"Tread carefully,father.If I wanted your judgment, I would have come looking for it."
Snapping his fingers, Elyon looks unamused. Urging in shackled Marked, they all stumble into the room, their ages varying from twelve to ten.
"Whatever you say, sweet one," Elyon snaps, his head snapping up toward Fallan and me.
"Won't you boys please come and join us for a drink?" Elyon questions, both of our bodies being forced forward as we stumble into the room.
Looking just as stoic as before, Forest barely looks our way, her focus diverted to the fire. Hearing the doors slam shutbehind us, we both stay close to one another, trying to think of our next best plan of action.