"More Marked?" Kai questions, saying the statement with a hint of disgust.

All taking a seat, the group is worn, their hands trembling as they sit.

"Bekah told me what happened," I sigh. "We lost them both?"

"Not like Xavier made it easier for anyone," Valerie scoffs. "He went after Atticus-"

"And what would you have done after what we told you happened?" Kai questions, stopping her before she can start. "Xavier always has a plan. Clearly, he saw something in that brothel that motivated him to allow himself to be detained-"

"Cause Xavier has never done anything impulsive?" I question, shaking my head at the man. "Last time I checked, Kaiden, all Xavier and Forest do is impulsive decisions, leaving everyone else to figure out what the hell they are doing."

Tensing his jaw, Kai snaps with rage.

"Why the hell are you even here? Where's this fucking solution you think you found? Aren't you supposed to be talking to your genetic mutt of a family about a plan?" Kai snaps. Aaron's hand grabbing his, forcing him to take a seat next to him.

"Kaiden, chill out," Aaron hisses.

"No, Aaron, I'm not going to fucking chill out. You all are putting your faith in someone who could give two shits about my sister, while the rest of us are fucking trying to get a solution-"

"Like you'd put Forest before the greater good," I snap, throwing my hands up in defeat. "Do you have any idea what is going on outside of your goddamn family?" I question, his body flinching. "There is a whole fucking world teetering on the brink of something horrible, and you think all priorities should be on your fucking sister, who, news flash, Kai, left you too," I hiss, my brute honesty a trait I wish I didn't have.

"It's comedic really," Kai whispers. "That some fucking Shifter, with no fucking family has any say in what the hell it means to love someone unconditionally!" Kai yells, anger dripping from his tone.

"Can all of you shut the hell up?" Valerie snaps, nudging her head behind me.

Turning around, Silas looks fearful, his eyes watery, ready to spill tears.

Feeling immense guilt, it's moments like these I forget children still hold innocence.


"Come here, kid," Valerie gently states, urging the boy toward her. "Let's go sit outside while theseassholeswork their shit out," she snaps, enunciating her words.

Guiding Silas out of the space, Kai and I stare one another down, our focus entirely set on one another.

"They have Xavier and Forest. I am not waiting around like a sitting dog for them to find our operation," I admit with full honesty, watching Aaron nod his head.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be fine given only some of us know where the Underground is," Kai snaps, sitting away from Aaron.

"Do you seem like someone capable of safeguarding that knowledge?" I question, his focus lowering once more. "I'm not entertaining this."

Moving toward the back of the cabin, I grab the blade free from the fire prodder rack, looking over its sleek build, admiring the work of the Underground's blade smith for working with the material so quickly. Sheathing the weapon, I move toward the front door, ready to leave this horrid space.

"What the fuck is that?" Kai yells, looking toward Aaron.

"Aaron?" he questions, the man's face filled with dread.

"Silas and Mason found metal below the waters of the reflection pools. If it's true the earth provides, we figured it could not hurt to fashion a weapon-"

"To kill my sister-"

"To kill the fucking Prophet," I hiss, shaking my head in disbelief. "We can listen to those bullshit stories that they are joined or actually try and find a way to harm the man in an isolated setting," I hiss. "Let's hope Xavier and Fallan are still capable of finding a way to detain the man. The only way we are going to be able to test our theory is if the Prophet is in our confinement."

"What the hell are you doing?" Kai questions, taking a step toward me. "What the hell are you really doing, Mason?"

Scoffing, I shove the man away from me.

"Unlike you, Kai, I can follow a plan. We have forces, Kaiden, we have the blade. I think it's pretty fucking clear what the hell I'm doing.”