Grabbing his hand, the strong presence of Marked energy rolls through him, his blood a powerhouse just waiting to be ripped into. Only touching his hand long enough to gather what information on the man I need, I take a step behind Elyon, lowering my eyes as the man smirks.

"Another Marked aiding in our cause to flush out our kind from Sanctum's hubs?" I question, amusement consuming Atticus' face.

"So, you're the Apparatus all the fearful Marked swore was their salvation?" Atticus questions, throwing the promises I made to my people back in my face. "Do they know how dirty their savior's hands truly are?" he questions, regret nestling into my soul.

"I suppose one's perception of me depends on what side you stand on," I seethe, feeling satisfaction in Atticus' wariness around me.

"I believe we have other matters to attend to, given your presence," Elyon states, trying to pull the conversation into a new direction.

"Right," Atticus states, his focus on me only growing. "Of course," he smiles, clapping his hands together. "Let me show you both around."

Something tells me, Atticus Hawthorn is the farthest thing from an ally.

Chapter eleven


"So, your plan is to hide people underground as if they are in confinement once more?" I question Mason, watching the man take a widespread seat on my couch, his eyes heavy with the presence of exhaustion.

Though very open about most things, the actions he has taken to protect the Marked have been quiet, only leading back to a name, the Underground, an old underground bunker meant to be utilized during the nuclear fallout. During my time as Commander, there were brief talks about the possibility of finding the bunker, utilizing what resources it may have for Sanctum's hubs. After some scouring through the old world texts, and many dead ends, no one, not even our historians were able to find the massive refugee bigger than some of Sanctum's cities.

"Hide is such a harsh word," Mason sighs, glaring in my direction. "It would be a place to condition the Marked, let them become one with their abilities. We'd be able to createsoldiers, house the young, protect the weak. It could be a place to learn rather than survive," Mason states, his optimism apparent despite his cold expression.

"By hiding them underground," Kai reiterates. "And what if they choose to leave?"

Closing his eyes as he inhales, Mason shakes his head.

"I have a feeling the structure that could be created underground will be significantly better than what will be on the surface," Mason snaps. "Once cadets-"

"Cadets?" Aaron questions, cutting Mason off.

"Yes, Danvers, cadets. Once cadets are old enough and experienced enough to hold their own, real liberation could begin. Finding a way to inhabit the surface in a society void of Sanctum's reign should be everyone's priority," he seethes, glaring in my direction. "That is still your goal, right, Evermoore?" Mason questions, clearly avoiding saying more.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I question, now ready to throw my own accusations at the man.

"We have all been through a lot," Mason stands, his arms crossed once more. "Sometimes priorities change."

"What are you suggesting?" I question, ready to get in the man's face.

"Now is not the time for you two's testosterone-fueled arguments," Valerie snaps, shoving Mason away from me.

Letting her lay hands on him, he rolls his eyes at the woman, pinching her cheek between his fingers.

"I'm petrified," he mocks, his first real grin touching his lips once she swats his arm.

The man gets a kick out of flustering Valerie, knowing damn well he is not high on her list of people she likes.

"So, cadets? What will that make you and me?" Aaron questions, both Kai and I snapping our direction to the man.

"You want to aid in his cause?" Kai questions, clearly as focused on finding Forest as I am.

"Bekah is already training Marked. Upholding what resources we can is vital to a new beginning. I'm not going to stick around and sacrifice the potential for a new beginning when there is so much more we could be doing," Aaron states, Kai's eyes lowering with annoyance.

"I have to agree, Kai," Valerie states, empathy filling her tone. "We might have a shot with this-"

"Would you be saying that if your bed buddy wasn't on board?" Kai questions, all of our eyes widening at the man's cold tone.

"Kaiden," I state, off put by the man's cold tone. "I think-"