What was I thinking?
Xavier seeing me will only fuel the fire burning within him to come looking for me. Coupled with the fact he thinks I am sick and, perhaps in some ways, I am. There's no telling what he willdo now that he has had a taste of the love we share that was so violently taken from the both of us nine months ago-
"Where were you?" Elyon's cold voice snaps, all of my focus diverting to the man so casually positioned in one of the soft velvet chairs of the leisure area of our quarters.
Sipping on a small glass of espresso, his focus pulls away from the book nestled in his hand, the old world's literature something the man frequently partakes in.
Shutting the book with raised brows, I keep on a cold façade, mentally double checking how concealed my body is in this cloak.
"I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to get a good look at the night life of this place," I casually say, gravitating toward the array of breakfast foods left for us on the small kitchen table.
Salivating like a starved dog, the idea of food has been impossible to stow away, my portion sizes going from barely anything, to an absurd amount in a matter of weeks. Looking over the rich red glass of blood left next to a plate of eggs, Elyon's dishes are already clean, his morning starting well before I got here.
"So, you thought leaving alone in your condition was a good idea?" he questions, my back toward the insufferable man.
"My condition?" I question, doing my best to casually avoid any meaning he might have hidden in the words. "Last time I checked, I'm fucking old enough to leave when I please and I am more than capable of defending myself-"
"Defending just yourself still?" Elyon questions, his lips inches away from my ear, his body a mere foot away from my side.
Looking me over with a look of disapproval, I try and understand what he is getting at, keeping my hand clamped over the opening to the cloak.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I question, his eyes narrowing.
"Avoidance of blood, all the questions about Dove, and now, suddenly leaving in the middle of the night and feeding me the half assed lie of exploring this sector?" he questions, his mind's ability to put pieces together both unsettling and admirable.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I continue on, reaching for one of the many fruits positioned in the bowl.
Coiling his hand around my long locks, he yanks back before I can grab anything, forcing my head toward the ceiling, a gasp ripping free from my throat.
Casually grabbing the small cup of blood from the table, he urges the drink close to my mouth, letting the rim settle between my lips.
"If you're so keen on lying to me then perhaps you will enjoy the drink I so graciously had prepared for you this morning," he seethes, tipping the glass back.
Already feeling a churn rise in my stomach, I hold back the want to vomit, keeping my focus on the man.
Forcing my hand into his side, I shove him away, letting his hand yank my hair, the glass nearly spilling the contents. Facing the front of his shirt, a nasty grin spreads across his face, my hand clutching the glass.
Downing the drink, it settles in my stomach like acid, my face stagnant despite the want to hurl the drink all over this display of food. Slamming the glass so hard on the table it cracks, his grin turns into a smirk, his head shaking with disappointment.
"One more thing," he continues, looking me up and down. "Take off your cloak," he pushes, my throat dry despite the drink.
Winnowing before me, he grabs the collar of the cloak, tugging me toward him with one great heave. Stumbling into him, Ibrace my hands on his chest, his grasp so tight around the material, my throat struggles to take in air.
"I said take off the cloak, Forest," he pushes, no humor in his tone.
"I'm not taking off my cloak in front of you," I snap, his hand raised, his finger slowly shaking.
"I wasn't asking what you wanted. Take it off, before I take it off for you."
Narrowing my eyes at the man, I do the one thing I can in this situation, exerting all my energy into getting some space from the man.
Burying my Call into what little spaces in his mind he has allowed me to see. I force a thought pattern toward him, staring daggers in the man's direction.
"Let me go,"I snap, watching his hand forcefully unhand the cloak.