"I think it's time for you to get some rest, Forest," the boy says, enunciating my new name.

"I hate the dark," I sigh, creeping closer to my bed.

Pulling myself under the sheets, I face the wall closest to the boy, letting my body curl in on itself.

"Good thing I'm here," he says, another warmth taking over my chest, something new latching to my mind.

Rolling onto my back, I try and close my eyes, hearing nothing but the faint heartbeat settled on the other side of the wall.

"Xavier," the boy says, my eyes flying open.

"My name is Xavier."

"Xavier?' I question, my own smile finally reaching me.

Sleep has never greeted me quicker.

Chapter eight


"It's called the Precipice?" I question Mason, watching the man shift uncomfortably every time Fallan looks his way, as if he is debating whether or not killing the man in front of all of us is a smart move.

The few instances the men shared together were brief, one being the night Forest pulled her chip clean from her head right after Fallan had tried his first attempt at murdering her. At the time, he chalked up his feelings for her as his reasoning for holding back ending her life right there against the side of her house. Now, I know the Elyon lingered in his mind, warning him not to go through with the action, despite how much he might have wanted to.

He can tell everyone here he had found love for her, or at least his version of what love is.

I know deep down that any feelings Fallan has felt for Forest have been out of convenience.

Nothing more, nothing less.

"Sanctum made a conscious effort to set up as many of their developments as they could around the globe. Each development has a sister city, one far enough away no one could get there on foot but close enough resources can be traded in between each development, sort of like New Hope and the Sanctuary, and how they often trade off goods. The problem is, since Elyon's control took over New Haven, the development you all know to be home was outcast. My guess is Elyon is making his best effort to extend his control, somehow weaseling his way into an authoritative position in the other developments despite their hate for the Marked."

"I'm only hearing bad news," Kai says, narrowing his eyes at Mason, his cheeks still red from the interaction he shared with Aaron.

"You are a joy in the morning," Mason sighs. "While there may be numerous developments, there are just as many compounds, many hidden, filled with Marked and a spare few Revolutionists ready to spread their word. Most of these compounds, unlike us, have utilized the resources of the fallout of war. The compounds chose to stay above ground, many others decided to go below, growing and branching off, creating their own society void of Sanctum's grasp in ways that makes the compounds defenses and wards look like child play. Those who have fled the cities or not been executed are searching for the underground-"

"The girl found it," I say, finally connecting the dots on the man's obsession with the child that slipped away. "That's why you're looking for her. You have no idea where to start looking. It would seem your Shifter sister and brothers are just as clueless as you?" I question, his posture going a little more rigid.

Ever since Forest's incident at the pond where she nearly wiped out all the waters, all he has done is shut down at the sound of either of our voices.

"That might have been a motivating factor. Regardless, she's a ghost. I don't even know her name."

Perhaps it's better off that way.

"So, where can we suspect this Underground is?" I question, coining the name Mason has been so keen on utilizing.

Giving me a sideways look, he shakes his head, offering me no snarky rebuttal as he normally would.

"I have no clue," Mason sighs, avoiding my eye contact as he speaks. "That is sort of the issue. I have no clue where it is, or where to start looking. I suppose that means the Underground has done its part in staying concealed-"

"I think we have larger issues above ground right now," Kai snaps, his voice quick to be the breaker of silence these days. "My sister is still in this fucking Precipice, and we are entertaining the idea of going after another one of your shitty leads for your own self gain-"

"My own self gain?" Mason questions, disbelief written across his expression.

"You do realize everything I have done for what feels like the past three years has been nothing but for Forest Evermoore? Have you even stopped to question what it feels like to be a ravenous monster, only to be a man who can barely process how to display humanity?" Mason questions, prodding Kai a little further.
