Giving me a sideways look, he rolls back his shoulders. His body is strained with the tension of stress.
"Didn't sleep either?" he questions. Both of us are up early enough that it's safe to assume our thoughts were nothing short of insomnia inducing.
"I never sleep," I whisper, taking a long drink from the mug. "Every time I do, I am left to dream of a reality I am no longer in," I whisper. Her image paints my mind every time I allow myself to close my eyes.
"How are you holding up?" Kai questions, an audible scoff exiting my throat at the man's silly question.
"Every day, you ask me that," I say, finally finding some clarity in my voice. "And every day, I have the same answer for you. I’m sharing my home with the very man that ruined my life. Elyon and Forest have scathed so much in their vicinity. So truthfully? I'm blissful," I snap sarcastically. His mouth is already pulled into a smile.
"Sometimes, I think asking enough times will finally change the answer," he says, shaking his head at his own comment.
Looking me over, he holds back a thought. I'm avoidant of searching his mind.
"Say whatever it is you want to say," I urge.
"Mason thinks that the Marked and the Shifters he has rallied-"
"Kai," I snap, the idea of entertaining hypotheticals eating me alive. "The last thing I want to do is talk about more scenarios that give us both blind faith. You know how I feel. As far as I see it now, your sister is far from us-"
"I translated that Latin you know," Kai says. His eyes gaze into the depths of the waters.
Stopping my statement, I finally focus on the man, both of my eyes wide.
"How?" I question.
"Mason found an old textbook with his people. A dictionary. Latin was the old language. It would seem the Shifters held value in that," Kai says. Reaching into his pocket, his hands pulls out a paper.
Holding it out to me, I take the paper, its words giving me my first bit of hope in months.
"Until my last breath," I whisper, crumpling the note into my hand.
"She meant for you to hear that message," Kai whispers. "She wanted you to hold faith, so excuse me if I will choose to hold onto mine."
Pressing the note to my chest, I keep it close to my heart, letting the words settle into my soul.
I heard you, Forest Evermoore.
I heard you.
For the love of God don't let your message fail me.
"Whatever urged her to stand by his side, Xavier, there's more to all of this than we think. That ball was part of something much bigger than what we think," Kai says. The gears in his head are rolling.
"That ball was torturous," I sigh. The revelations made that day are ones that have made me look at this home as something much more than a place to rest and keep valuables.
Could she truly have pictured me with a young one, guiding their hands as I taught them how to take their first steps on this very porch?
Is that a reality she saw herself in?
"At least you got out of that situation with both of your hands," his voice mocks. Both Kai and I turn, filled to the brim with an anger we can't expel.
Leaning into the doorway without a shirt, he watches us. His severed hand is scarred and bound in a tight leather binding. Forced to become accustomed to using his left hand, his mark clings to his skin. My mind can't help but wander to the thought that she once explored that skin.
“Who knew us falling for the same woman would have such a detrimental outcome.”
Ready to rip into this man's chest, Kai speaks for me.
“You do not love my sister!" Kai yells. His hand tosses his mug, barely missing Fallan's head with the scorching drink.