"She went hand in hand with the Prophet," I whisper. Fallan picks up where I left off.

"Right after she cut off my hand and tossed lover boy back his engagement ring," Fallan says. Kai's eyes are hazed with betrayal.

"Forest wouldn't do that," Kai smiles. Shoving Fallan back, his focus now on me.

"That was part of your plan, right? This is all part of some plan you made with her?" Kai questions in a plea. His voice is shaking with adrenaline.

"You all have about ten fucking seconds to keep talking before we grab all of you and continue this conversation elsewhere," Mason snaps, no longer willing to let us stand here to continue making our revelations.

"K-Kai, we need to go," I start. Grabbing the man, the impending sound of approaching footsteps rattles off in my ears.

"Xavier-" Kai starts again. His hands brush across my front. His voice is rigid with the presence of emotion.

"Kai, move-"

"Xavier Evermoore!" Kai screams. His hands grab the sides of my face, forcing me to look at him. "Tell me she didn't do that!" he yells. His voice cracks with emotion.

Barely able to look Kai in the eyes, I see Andrew in his expression. The countless Blackburn lives stolen are trapped in the iris of his eyes.

He has lost so much.

How much more can he take?

"She's gone, Kaiden," I reiterate once more. His kind expression fades into something much more challenging to stomach.

After all he has lost, not once has he looked at me as he does now.

"She left me?" he asks as if the answer is floating in the air between us.

"She left both of us," I shudder, my body rigid at the realization. "And I don't think she's coming back."

Saying nothing, Kai slowly rises to his feet. His expression is blanketed with betrayal.

"She wouldn't," Kai snaps, his head shaking vigorously. "She wouldn't-"

"She would," Fallan says without thinking. His cold gaze is set on every person in the room. "And she did so with a smile."

It doesn't matter what that cancer says now.

Once we are alone, I will ensure he feels the pain he has caused.

Shifting uncomfortably at my expression, Fallan cocks his head. His brows are heavy with the presence of sweat.

He knows I'm coming for him.

"How the fuck are you here?" Valerie exclaims, finally breaking her long streak of silence. Her hands shove Fallan as hard as she can.

Holding back his cousin, Aaron looks defeated. His job to choose who to comfort right now brings him great distress.

"We've all made our deals," Fallan hisses. "It is all about perspective. The side I chose to follow is the one you deemed evil. How do you think you all look from where I stand?" he questions, his voice feeding me the motivation I need to move.

"You won't live long enough to get that answer," I hiss, ready to tear this man apart.

"I like the ambition, Evermoore," Mason seethes, his hand clamping around my shoulder. "And trust me, I am the last person to stop you from delivering this asshole the punishment he deserves, but it's time for us to get going if you plan on living long enough to make him suffer."

Craning his neck, Mason forces Fallan forward, his hand grasping his neck.

"Help me Winnow us back to New Hope," Mason snaps at Fallan.