Clamoring to my feet, I shove away Mason, keeping him away well after he has Winnowed toward me.
Grabbing Aaron's red locks, I yank him away from Fallan. Giving Valerie a daring look, I beg her to try and stop me right now. Taking a cautious step away from the man, Aaron swats my arm. My hands are already around Fallan's throat, watching his shit-eating grin drop instantly.
"What the fuck did you do?!" I question, slamming his head to the floor. His bloodied mouth spits across my front.
Winnowing out from under me, he clutches his arm, delivering my back a harsh kick from behind. Grabbing his ankle before he can try again, I pull him to the floor once more, feeling a sense of satisfaction once his bloodied stub slams into the ground. Too focused on his pain to act quickly enough, I'm on him once more, burying my Call into the depths of his mind.
"Answer me, Markswood! What the hell did you do?!" I question. All of our friends circle us like a murder of crows ready to swoop in.
"Tik tok, Mason," Bekah whispers.
The very distant sound of Officials funneling through the Prophet's home rides the air.
Saying nothing, he shows me his teeth, the look of satisfaction plastered across his face enough to drive anyone mad.
Slamming my fist into his jaw over and over, I wipe the expression clean from his face. I only stop once Mason hasgrabbed my hand, keeping me from breaking the man more than I already have.
"We need answers, Xavier. Beating him to a pulp will solve nothing," Mason says, forcing a lick of reason into my already rapidly spiraling mind.
"You should listen to your little monster mutt-"
Kicking him in the side, Mason silences his crude remark.
"Maybe I should reconsider my position on how to deal with him," Mason starts, ready to deliver Fallan another clean kick to the side.
"Alright!" Fallan screams, sitting up with his arms raised. "I'd rather not get beaten to death before I can explain my side of everything," Fallan hisses. The cocky attitude he chose to carry quickly fades the longer we circle him.
"I was playing his side," Fallan snaps, giving us all a stern look. "After I realized how deep I was into the situation and I admitted some truths to myself about my feelings for Forest that I could not come back from, I knew I could no longer play the part Elyon wanted me to. I thought by staying close to the man, I might get some insight as to what is at play here-"
"Bullshit," I hiss, sensing his thoughts before he has had the opportunity to spew his web of lies. "You seriously are going to sit here and tell me you have found enough feelings for Forest that you thought by playing Elyon's little pet, you might be saving her and us?" I question, his eyes going wide.
"Don't fucking utter my name as if we are mutuals. And sure as hell don't group your fucking justifications for being a backstabbing little shit with the name Forest Evermoore," I hiss, shoving my finger into his chest. "The only reason you are sitting here, trying to convince us you are on our side, is because her little stunt was not something you had planned for."
Shaking his head at me, he lowers his gaze.
"I do have love for her, for all of you," he mutters, giving a glance to his childhood friends he so carelessly tossed away. "Don't you think I would have fucking ran if I was choosing to serve myself?" he questions. My anger is already escalating.
"Where is my sister?" Kai questions quietly. His gaze is plastered to the floor.
"Mason?" Bekah urges, tapping her watch.
"The love you have for her is the same love Untouchables have for Unfortunate torture," I seethe, leaning so close to the man our noses touch. "Nothing more, nothing less."
"And what makes that type of love any different than what you two have? It seems to be both are equally destructive."
"My sister?" Kai questions again. Mason is now urging Fallan to his feet, trying to get the group in motion.
"Guys, come on, we have to move-"
"Do you have any idea how much pain you caused her?" I question, getting in the man's face. Our eyes are locked, waiting for the other to submit. "Do you have any idea what you stole from her? From me?" I push, narrowing my eyes at the man. "No, you don't," I hiss. "You're nothing but a fucking Unfortunate boy who fucked a crazy bitch and thought it was love. And now, your delusional ass wants to justify your actions as some sadistic bid of love toward the woman who killed your crazy ass girlfriend-"
"You didn't know Dove," Fallan snaps. The true parts of his personality finally slip through the cracks. "And apparently, you barely knew Forest. Perhaps we were both deceived-"
Feeling a pair of hands grab us both, our bodies are forced forward. Both of us nearly clack heads as we are yanked toward Kaiden. He is gripping our shirts in a furious grasp. His eyes blaze with the heat of rage.
"Where the fuck is my sister!" Kaiden snaps. His voice is teetering on the brink of madness.