Because when these restraints come off, hell’s coming with me.
Through cracked lips and broken teeth, I smile, the movement pulling at torn skin. Let them think the pain has finally broken me. Let them believe they’ve won. Let them revel in their false victory, savor every moment of their cruelty.
The cavalry is coming.
And hell’s coming with them.
The tiny drone in my ear canal vibrates. Mitzy’s voice cuts through the haze of pain, sharp and urgent. “We’vefound basement access. Structural weak point in the northeast corner. Two minutes to breach.”
My muscles coil tight despite the restraints. Blood drips faster now, anticipation making my heart race.
“Multiple tangos on approach to your position,” Mitzy warns. “Thirty seconds.”
The door opens. Bruiser and Smiley return, brass knuckles gleaming under fluorescent lights. Their grins promise fresh torment.
“Ready for more, hero?” Bruiser raises his fist.
The first tremor runs through the building—subtle, barely noticeable. The guards don’t react, but I count the seconds silently.
Bruiser’s fist connects with my jaw.
Smiley circles behind me, knife dragging across my shoulders.
“Something funny?” Bruiser grabs my hair, yanking my head back.
The floor vibrates—stronger now. Still, they don’t notice.
“He’s lost it,” Bruiser laughs. “Finally broke him.”
The drone pulses once.Get ready.
My muscles tense, preparing.
“Any last words, tough guy?” Bruiser draws back his fist.
The lights flicker.
An explosion rocks the building’s foundation. Concrete dust rains from the ceiling. The door blasts inward hinges screaming. Six Rufi units bound into the room through the smoke, their metal paws silent against the floor. Red targeting lasers dance across Bruiser and Smiley before they can reach their weapons.