A shadow passes over her face. “Let’s just say I spent a lot of time down here as a kid. It wasn’t always—safe… But it was shelter and warmer than sleeping on the streets once winter came.”
Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I instinctively tighten my arm around her as if I can shield her from a past that’s already written.
The train begins to slow. Through the windows, I catch glimpses of a dimly lit platform.
“This is us,” Ember says, rising. “Ready?”
I stand, muscles tense, ready for action.
“Stay close.”
The doors open with a hiss. We step out onto the platform, eyes scanning for threats. The station is eerily quiet, and our footsteps echo off the tiled walls.
Ember leads the way to a bank of payphones. I pick up the receiver, the plastic cool against my palm.
I dig in my pocket, producing a handful of coins. It’s been years since I’ve used a functioning payphone.
I dial a number I know by heart, praying someone picks up. The phone rings once, twice?—
“Guardian HRS, how may I direct your call?”
“It’s Delta-Five. I need to speak to Delta-One immediately. Authorization code Delta-Five-Niner-Foxtrot.”
“One moment, please.”
The line clicks, then Jenny’s voice fills my ear.“Blaze? Where the hell have you been? We’ve been trying to reach you for hours.”
“The safe house was compromised. Ember and I barely made it out. Lost my phone in the process. We’re in the subway system.”
“Jesus.” Jenny exhales sharply.“Are you okay?”
“As well as can be,” I say, keeping my voice steady. “The attack happened after you left with Aria and her father.” I pause, glancing at Ember, who’s just out of earshot. “At first, I thought they were after Aria, but now—I don’t think so.”
“What do you mean?”Jenny’s voice sharpens on the other end.
“They’re after Ember, and I can’t figure out why. She shouldn’t even be involved in this.” My frustration bleeds through, the pieces refusing to fit together.
Silence hangs for a beat. Then Jenny speaks, her tone measured but concerned.
“You’re right, this doesn’t add up. There’s a safe house in Brooklyn.” She rattles off an address.I repeat it out loud, committing it to memory. Ember’s lips move, doing the same. The head on this woman—she’s calm, cool, and collected despite everything.
Jenny continues the call.“Get her there and sit tight. We’ll be there as quickly as we can fire up the jet.”
Relief seeps in, but the weight of responsibility presses harder. “Copy that.”
“You’ll have to hold tight until we arrive. Keep Ember safe and stay sharp. We’ll rendezvous as soon as we’re in position.”
She gives me the address, and it’s not far—but it means going back above ground, risking exposure again. I glance at Ember, still oblivious to the growing storm around her.
“We’ll be there.” Determination hardens my voice.
The next few hours will feel like an eternity, but I’ll keep Ember safe.
“Watch your back,”she says.“I don’t want to have to file an incident report because you got shot.”
“Ha-ha. Back at you.” I end the call and turn to Ember. “We’ve got a destination.”
She nods, and a flicker of her grit returns. “Just point me in the right direction.”